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論文名稱 Title |
基於深度規則森林的可解釋邏輯特徵學習 Interpretable Logic Representation Learning based on Deep Rule Forest |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
44 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-07-22 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2019-08-28 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
可解釋性、隨機森林、邏輯最佳化、深度規則森林、深度模型結構 Deep Rule Forest, Deep Model Architecture, Interpretability, Random Forest, Logic Optimization |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 6951 次,被下載 79 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6951 times, has been downloaded 79 times. |
中文摘要 |
相較於傳統的機器學習演算法,現今大多數的演算法都在正確率上有顯著的提升,但是這些模型的架構也因此變得愈來愈複雜,讓我們無法從中理解預測是如何產生。這導致資料中可能潛藏的歧視難以被人類發覺,因此出現法規要求模型的可解釋性。然而,現有的可解釋模型(例如:決策樹、線性模型)太過於簡單,處理大型的複雜資料時無法產生足夠準確的預測。因此,我們從組成隨機森林的決策樹當中萃取規則,一來讓原本被認為是黑盒模型的隨機森林具有可解釋性,二來運用整體學習讓演算法能夠得到較佳的準確率。此外,借用深度學習中表徵學習的概念,我們加上深層的模型結構,讓隨機森林能學習更加複雜的特徵。在這篇論文當中,我們提出深度規則森林,同時結合可解釋性和深層模型結構,也在實驗中取得超越隨機森林等複雜模型的表現。但是這樣的結構卻導致其中的規則太過複雜不易理解,因此失去可解釋性。我們提出邏輯最佳化演算法,將萃取出的規則簡化,使之能成為易於人們閱讀且理解的形式並保留可解釋性。 |
Abstract |
Compared to traditional machine learning algorithms, most contemporary algorithms have prominent promotion in terms of accuracy, but this also complicate the model architecture, which disables human from understanding how the predictions are generated. This makes the latent discrimination in data difficult for human to discover, and thus there are legislations enforce that models should have interpretability. However, recent interpretable models (e.g. decision tree, linear model) are too simple to produce enough accurate predictions in case of dealing large and complex datasets. Therefore, we extract rules from the decision tree component in random forest, not only makes random forest, regarded as black box model, interpretable, but exploits ensemble learning to boost the accuracy. Moreover, inspired by the concept of representation learning in deep learning, we add multilayer structure to enable random forest to learn more complicated representation. In this paper, we propose Deep Rule Forest, with both interpretability and deep model architecture, and it outperform several complex models such as random forest on accuracy. Nevertheless, this structure makes the rules too complicated to understand by human and hence lose interpretability. At last, via logic optimization, we retain interpretability by simplifying the rules and making them readable and understandable to human. |
目次 Table of Contents |
摘要 ii Abstract iii List of Figures v List of Table vi 1. Introduction 1 2. Background and Related Work 2 2.1. Tree-based Algorithms 2 2.2. Representation Learning 6 2.3. Deep Architecture 8 2.4. Deep Architecture Models 9 2.5. Explainable AI (XAI) 12 2.6. Logic Optimization (Logic Minimization) 13 3. Methodology 14 3.1. Building DRF 15 3.2. Interpretability of DRF 18 3.3. New Encoding for Regression Data 22 4. Experiment and Discussion 24 4.1. Experiment Setup 24 4.2. Classification with DRF 25 4.3. Regression with DRF 27 5. Conclusion 30 6. Reference 31 |
參考文獻 References |
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