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博碩士論文 etd-0724120-231158 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0724120-231158
Applied Modified Delphi Method to Researching Intelligent Customer Service Satisfaction
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User Satisfaction, Delphi Method, Intelligent Customer Service, Artificial Intelligence, Instant Customer Service
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做為研究目標,利用 Delone和 McLean在 2003年提出的資訊系統成功 模型作為基
修正和刪減,最終將智慧客服滿意度的影響要素分為四大構面及 18個變數。從研究結
高的使用者滿意度,且可能會提 高使用者再次使用的意願。最後是使用過程中,系統
The demand for instant customer service has become more and more important to people with the advancement of technology. For many industries, there is no way to provide sufficient human resources at all times to serve customers immediately. The assistance of artificial intelligence has become a solution for many companies. As far as the service industry is concerned, intelligent customer service and chatbot are an emerging channel for customer service and even become the key to customer satisfaction. The difference from chatbot is that intelligent customer service focuses more on providing customer information and solving customer problems. Companies have also launched various functions of intelligent customer service in hopes of improving customer satisfaction. This research takes the most common text-enabled intelligent customer service currently on the market as the research objective, uses the information system success model proposed by Delone and McLean in 2003 as the basis. Additionally, related researches are also taken into concern to integrate various quality factors that may affect user satisfaction of intelligent customer service.
This study invites scholars in the field of information management and industry experts in the information technology and financial industries to conduct a three-round modified Delphi method on this structure. After three rounds of Delphi method, various dimensions and variables were revised and deleted, and finally divided the influencing factors of user satisfaction into four dimensions and 18 variables. From the research results, we can find that users are most concerned about the information content provided by intelligent customer service. The followings are the stability of the system and the degree of intelligence of the system. As long as these three items become the necessary elements of the intelligent customer service, it is likely to have higher user satisfaction and may increase the user's willingness to use it again. The last is the degree to which the system can interact with user in a human-like way. This may become a bonus condition, rather than an item that users mainly care about. The results of this study also provide a reference basis for companies to have system design when implementing intelligent customer service in the future.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書.............................................................................................................................................. i
摘要 ........................................................................................................................................................ ii
Abstract .................................................................................................................................................. iii
Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Research Background ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Motivation ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.3. Research Purpose ................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................ 6
2.1. Artificial Intelligence Robot ............................................................................................... 6
2.1.1. Intelligent Customer Service .......................................................................................... 7
2.1.2. Chatbot ........................................................................................................................... 11
2.2. Information System Satisfaction Measurement Factors ................................................ 13
2.2.1. System Quality ............................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2. Information Quality ...................................................................................................... 15
2.2.3. Service Quality .............................................................................................................. 18
Chapter 3 Research Method ........................................................................................................... 22
3.1. Research Design ................................................................................................................. 22
3.2. Modified Delphi Method ................................................................................................... 26
3.2.1. Selection Criteria of Experts and Scholars ................................................................. 27
3.2.2. Delphi Method Consistency Test ................................................................................. 30
Chapter 4 Results ............................................................................................................................ 32
4.1. Delphi Method Results and Analysis ............................................................................... 32
4.1.1. Brainstorming Phase ..................................................................................................... 33
4.1.2. The Narrowing Down Phase......................................................................................... 39
4.1.3. Ranking Phase ............................................................................................................... 43
Chapter 5 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 48
5.1. Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 48
5.2. Implications for Research ................................................................................................. 51
5.3. Implications for Practice ................................................................................................... 52
5.4. Future Research and Limitation ...................................................................................... 52
Reference ............................................................................................................................................. 54
Appendix .............................................................................................................................................. 60
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