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博碩士論文 etd-0627120-173852 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0627120-173852
The Impact of Fake News and Fact-checking News on Affection of Brand Based on Belief Echoes Perspective
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fake news, fact-checking, social media, credibility, belief echoes, brand affection
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The spread of misinformation has existed since ancient times. Previous research has focused on rumors on the Internet. Other related literature on fake news has focused mostly on the political perspective to explore readers' attitudes toward political parties or candidates. This study takes a management perspective to explore how fake news affects news readers' affection toward the brand.
To measure the factors that affect news readers’ tendency to believe in fake news, and to track changes in readers' brand affection, this study combines the concept of belief echoes with two key models: the Elaboration Likelihood Model, and the Rumor Retransmission Model. The results show that the reader’s perception of online fake news credibility is affected by personal involvement, source credibility, and argument quality, but is not affected by brand affection. The appearance of websites that publish fake news has no effect on online fake news credibility. From the perspective of belief echoes, this study shows that fact-checking news has a certain degree of effectiveness in counteracting the impact of brand-related fake news, but it cannot restore the reader’s affection toward the brand to its original level.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Contents vii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Fake News 1
1.2 Research Background 2
1.3 Research Motivation 5
1.4 Research Purposes and Problems 6
2. Literature Review 7
2.1 Elaboration Likelihood Model 7
2.2 Rumor Retransmission Model 8
2.3 Belief Echoes 10
3. Research Methodology 13
3.1 Research Model 13
3.2 Hypothesis Development 14
3.3 Research Design 23
4. Data analysis and Discussion 30
4.1 Demographic statistics 30
4.2 Measurement Validation 31
4.3 Discussion 43
5. Conclusion 47
5.1 Academic Implications 47
5.2 Practical Implications 48
5.3 Research limitations and future directions 49
Reference 52
Appendix 57
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