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博碩士論文 etd-0626119-132258 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0626119-132258
A study of prediction of Live-stream subscriptions: the case of Twitch
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Advisory Committee
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Supervised learning, Text mining, Subscription, Live stream, Social media
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6301 times, has been downloaded 124 times.
因此,在本研究中,我們欲探索Twitch平台上的實況主和觀眾之間的關係,目的是預測觀眾是否願意成為訂閱者而付費給平台與實況主。本研究使用Twitch API和網絡爬蟲來收集數據,利用文本挖掘來捕捉觀眾在直播聊天室中的行為,並標記普通觀眾和訂閱者。接著我們使用一些監督式學習的方法,如邏輯式回歸,SVM,決策樹和隨機森林,來構建模型進行預測。
In recent years, there has been a new type of media, “live stream”. Through streaming technology, it can make people show their lives to others and interact with others at low latency. This kind of media greatly improve the user experience between communicators and audience. Among many live stream platforms, Twitch is most famous in Taiwan. In 2018, there were an average of 15 million people watching live stream on Twtich every day . A large number of people will bring a lot of business opportunities.
Therefore, in this study, we want to explore the relationship between the live streamers and viewers on the Twitch platform. We want to predict whether viewers will be willing to pay for subscriptions. This study uses Twitch API and web crawler to collect data. We use text mining to catch viewers’ actions in live stream’s chat room and label general viewers and subscribers. And then, we use some supervised learning methods, such as logistic regression, SVM, decision tree and random forest, to build models to predict.
The best model’s accuracy could reach 0.73664. And the result indicates that the chat frequency, live stream’s notification and the number of viewer’s following influence whether the viewer will subscribe the streamer.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 3
1.3 Research Purpose 6
Chapter 2. Literature Review 7
2.1 Live streaming 7
2.2 Live chatting 7
2.3 The categories of viewers on Twitch 8
2.4 Donation/Subscription intention 9
2.5 Text mining 10
2.6 Classification method 12
Chapter 3. Method 17
3.1 Data Collecting 17
3.2 Data Preprocessing 19
3.3 Data Splitting 21
3.4 Data Mining 21
Chapter 4. Result 23
4.1 Descriptive statistics 23
4.2 Model performance 24
4.2.1 Original models 24
4.2.2 Stepwise models 25
4.2.3 Committee machine 26
4.2.4 Logistic coefficient analysis 27
4.3 Discussion 27
Chapter 5. Conclusion 29
5.1 Implications for research 29
5.2 Implications for practice 29
5.3 Limitations and future research 30
References 31
Appendix 37
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