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博碩士論文 etd-0731118-154828 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0731118-154828
The Impacts of Information Technology on Human Resource Management Functions
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Slashie, System Implementation, Human Resource Management, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Information Technology
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5970 times, has been downloaded 809 times.
科技日新月異,近年來AI, Big Data, IoT, AR/VR/MR及區塊鏈等科技新名詞陸陸續續出現在各行各業中,從製造業、金融業到貼近人群的服務業或是新創企業等,無一不重視新科技的導入。當機器人、人工智慧發展的速度愈來愈快,對於許多工作者來說,莫過於目前的工作崗位可能遭到取代。根據國際市調公司Gartner的報告,到了2020 年,人工智慧將讓全世界超過200 萬個工作消失。除了對於企業業務上的影響,本研究更想進一步探討資訊科技的發展對於HRM及勞動人口將會造成的影響。

基於研究動機及背景,本研究之主要目的為了解資訊科技的趨勢及對於人力資源管理的影響,包含: 資訊科技對HRM在選育用留功能的影響、資訊科技導入HRM的作法及未來HRM發展的相關趨勢。因此,本研究藉由文獻之整理,彙整資訊科技導入人力資源管理目前的現況,導入的作法及未來的發展趨勢,以探討其對人力資源管理效能之影響。此外,本研究亦利用焦點團體訪談及深入訪談,並輔以國內、外相關文獻,推導出企業導入人力資源系統對人力資源管理效能之影響。

本研究發現: 因台灣多為中小企業,目前對於資訊科技導入人力資源管理功能的發展,尚屬於觀望階段。最多資訊科技的導入,就屬於HRIS的實踐。但是關於資訊科技接下來的發展,AI及Big Data應用在招募及訓練上的發展,還是會最快開始進行的。對於資訊科技導入的做法,大家普遍都提到正確及大量數據的收集為首要,畢竟在要先有大數據,才能讓機器學習數據中的趨勢,最後才是人工智慧。另外值得注意的是資料安全性及隱私權的重要性,以及導入時要注意人的因素,包含利益相關者的辨識及及早使這些人員參與導入的作業,導入的成功率才能提高。對於資訊科技對未來HRM的發展,新世代的管理的重要性,經濟人力形態的改變如零工經濟等,更彈性的工作方式及未來的HR部門職責的變化及HR人員應具備的數位化能力的強化。

關鍵詞: 資訊科技、人力資源管理、大數據、人工智慧、斜槓族、物聯網、系統導入
Science and technology are changing faster and faster. In recent years, new scientific terms such as AI, Big Data, IoT, AR/VR/MR and blockchain have developping in various industries, from manufacturing and financial industries to service industries or innovative companies, etc., all pay attention to the new technologies developing. When robots and artificial intelligence develop faster and faster, for many workforce, the current job may be replaced. According to Gartner, the international market research company, by 2020, artificial intelligence will make more than 2 million jobs worldwide disappear. In addition to the impact on business, this study would like to further explore the impact of the development of information technology on HRM and the workforce.

Based on research motivation and background, the main purpose of this study is to understand the trends of information technology and how it will impact on human resources management, including: HRM in the selection and retention function, the implementation of information technology to HRM and the future development of HRM Relevant trends. Therefore, this study uses the collation of the literature to integrate the current state of human resources management into information technology, the introduction of practices and future trends to explore its impact on human resource management effectiveness. In addition, this study also uses focus group interviews and in-depth interviews, supplemented by domestic and foreign related literature, to derive the impact of human resources systems on the effectiveness of human resources management.

The study found that: Taiwan is mostly a small and medium-sized enterprise, the current development of the introduction of human resources management functions into information technology is still in the wait-and-see stage. The import of most information technology belongs to the practice of HRIS. But with regard to the next development of information technology, the development of recruitment and training for AI and Big Data applications will start as soon as possible. As for the introduction of information technology, it is generally mentioned that the collection of correct and large amounts of data is the first priority. After all, it is necessary to have big data before it can let the machine learn the trend in the data, and finally it is artificial intelligence. And we will also need to be carefully for employee data security and privacy, as well as the importance of human factors when importing, including the identification of stakeholders and the early involvement of these people in the import process, can increase the success rate of the implementation. For the development of information technology for the future of HRM, the importance of the management of the new generation, the changes in current workforce, such as the Gig economy, the more flexible working methods and the changes in the responsibilities of future HR departments and the digital capabilities that HR personnel should have.

Keywords: Information Technology, Human Resource Management, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Slashie, Internet of Things, System Implementation
目次 Table of Contents
摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
表次 vi
圖次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 資訊科技對HRM的影響 7
第二節 資訊科技導入HRM的作法 34
第三節 資訊科技對未來HRM發展的相關趨勢 50
第三章 研究方法 58
第一節 焦點團體訪談與深度訪談 58
第二節 研究架構 60
第三節 研究過程 61
第四章 訪談研究與分析 64
第一節 A小組訪談分析 64
第二節 B小組訪談分析 74
第三節 C小組訪談分析 83
第四節 訪談綜合分析 91
第五章 結論與建議 95
第一節 研究結論 95
第二節 研究建議 99
參考文獻 103
附錄ㄧ 訪談邀請函 115
附錄二 訪談計畫及大綱 117
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