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博碩士論文 etd-0729118-090637 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0729118-090637
Corporate Entrepreneurship and Human Resource Management Practices – Based on Chinese Enterprises Cases
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Chinese Company, Human resource management, Antecedent, Intrapreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Process
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於中國大陸經濟及體系的完善,企業在經濟及全球競爭的環境下面臨更多的挑戰。為了使企業能以所提升其市場地位及內部活化,許多企業透過內部創業策略走向多元化發展轉型。這也使得內部創業之學術研究逐漸從 1960 年代開始盛行。然而因許多早期關於內部創業的學術研究均為西方發達國家之,對於東方國家如中國大陸未有深度探討,因此許多學者也因此對於這些內部創業研究對於發展經濟國家的企業應用表示疑問。
根據本次案例分析,本論文多方體現中國企業內部創業的流程與模型並且結論出科技型企業及服務型企業及資本投入規模對於內部創業流程的影響。另外, 管理層支持及獎勵制度做為內部創業前提因子對於科技型企業&服務型企業也有不同影響效果。最後,內部創業業務相關性的高低對於人力資源的支持架構也有所影響。
As the Chinese economy went through a series of transformation, corporate firms in China are now facing more challenges in economic reform and globalized competitions. As such, many corporates has started to adapt the strategy of corporate entrepreneurship to promote internal vitalization and innovative creativeness within the company. The topic of corporate entrepreneurship studies has begun in as early as in the 1960s, however, much of the earlier studies in corporate entrepreneurships have been developed mostly within western economies with more advanced economic structures. As such recent scholars have argued its earlier implication applicability towards lesser advanced economies such as China.
To better understand how corporate entrepreneurship process and models works in Chinese enterprises, and what implications are for antecedents such as HRM practices are towards corporate entrepreneurships, this study has taken qualitative approach to provide deep insights into practical corporate entrepreneurship examples in China. Four corporate examples are taken as case studies, each with multiple examples of success corporate entrepreneurships, of which interviews and its descriptive contexts were used for analyses. Secondary data are also used in supporting and building the case studies.
Based on the case studies, this thesis has reviewed examples of corporate entrepreneurship process and models in China which has concluded the follow that technology-based & services-based firms and its degree of capital investment required have effect to corporate entrepreneurship process. Accordingly, technology-based & services-based firms have different emphasis in top management support and rewards antecedents. Lastly, relativity of new business operations effects the structure of HRM.
目次 Table of Contents
Verification letter from the Oral Examination Committee……………………………….i
Abstract (Chinese) ii
Abstract (English)… iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Purposes and Research Question 2
1.3 Thesis Procedure 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Concept of Corporate Entrepreneurship 4
2.2 Process of Corporate Entrepreneurship 10
2.3 Antecedents and Human Resource Management in Corporate entrepreneurship.…18
2.4 Conceptions in Research Framework 22
Chapter 3 Methodology 24
3.1 Qualitative Method 24
3.2 Collection of information 24
3.3 Procedure in collecting data 25
3.4 Interview and Analysis of Data 26
3.5 Validity and Reliability 27
3.6 Criticism of Method 28
Chapter 4 Case Study Finding 29
4.1 Case A – Pharmaceutical Corporate Company 29
4.2 Case B – Optoelectronic Manufacturing Corporate Company 53
4.3 Case C – Department Store Operator Company 89
4.4 Case D – Human Resource Service Provider Corporate Company 112
4.5 Integrated Discussion 130
Chapter 5 Conclusions & Implications 134
5.1 Conclusions 134
5.2 Practical Implications 135
5.3 Delimitations and Limitations 135
References 137
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