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論文名稱 Title |
家族企業的接班與永續傳承及專業經理人對家族企業的影響:以Y醫院為探討對象 The Succession,Sustainable Development and the influence of the Professional Manager in Family Business:A Case Study of Y Hospital |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
63 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2018-07-25 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2018-08-11 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
個案討論、家族企業、接班、家長式領導、專業經理人 succession, professional manager, case study, family business, paternalistic leadership |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5829 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5829 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
目的:有關家族企業接班的論文不可勝數,但是聚焦在醫療行業的並不多見,本篇論文主要在探討家族醫院在面臨接班問題時,如何訓練及培養家族接班人;此外,專業經理人是否適用於家族醫院的經營抑或只是應付接班時的過度選擇。台灣家族企業交班時往往面對幾個問題:上代經營者年齡偏大又或有健康問題考量;繼承者資歷、能力不足承擔重任;家族內部接班人選競爭與家族各房勢力角力等等。如何在時間壓力下擇優選出新任接班人,實在考驗家族企業。相對於國外,特別是美國,代理制度行之有年;但是在台灣,家族企業還是傾向家族成員接班。面對企業交班時,到底如何抉擇才能讓家族企業永續經營並發揚光大,而非單純只是家產傳承,我們設法尋求可行之道。 方法:本文擇優選取一家歷史悠久、信譽卓著,又頗具規模的醫院做為研究對象,利用訪談方式及收集次級資料來深入探討。面對醫療環境的劇烈競爭,發掘該家族醫院經營傳承四代並且規模持續擴大的獨到之處。 結果:華人家長式領導的組織文化淵遠流長,引領華人家族企業發展與傳承,也是華人家族企業獨特之處。它的影響無遠弗屆,從價值觀、經營理念、人際網絡,領導風格到接班人選、接班培育,都涵蓋其中。研究對象屬於典型所有權與經營權合一的家族企業,組織文化亦有濃厚家長式領導風格 ,不論接班傳承或經營管理,傾向以家族為中心發展。家族任用專業經理人擔任院長,目的是協助家族企業傳承。 結論與建議:面對挑戰,轉型與專業化管理是企業永續經營的重要課題。台灣家族企業應該制定專屬自己的接班人培育模式,因為成功的歷史未必可以複製,其他企業傳承的模式也無法一體適用 |
Abstract |
Purpose: The papers about family business are immense, but few of them focus on the healthcare industry. This research mainly discusses the issue of how to train and how to nurture family successor when it comes to secession planning. Furthermore, whether the professional manager is suitable for the family hospital management, or he is the transitional choice in the secession planning. The problems that Taiwanese family enterprises usually face as inheritance are as follows. The elder generations are aged and have health concerns. The successor’s qualifications and ability are insufficient to take the responsibility. How to select the proper successor under time pressure is quite a challenge to family business. The agency has been in place for years in other countries, especially the United States. Different from western countries, in Taiwan, family business tend to restrict the successor to family members. We figure out possible solutions not only to inheritance but also to the sustainable operation and glorification of family business by choosing the proper person when handing over the business. Method: This paper takes a time-honored, prestigious and sizable hospital as the research object and explores it deeply by interviewing and collecting secondary data. We discover its uniqueness in management and expansion within four generations even under the competitive environment. Results: Paternalistic leadership is a unique and historical feature in the Chinese business, leading the Chinese family business to develop and pass down. It greatly influences the value, the firm’s intention and vision, the social network, the leadership styles, the cultivation of talent and the successor selection. The object of research is a classic ownership and management combined family business. Paternalistic leadership dominates its organizational culture and the succession or management is family-oriented. The professional manager plays as a steward and assists in the succession of family business. Conclusion and Suggestion: Transformation and professionalization are crucial to sustainable development in family business. The experience of success can’t be duplicated and no succession model applies all enterprises. Family firms in Taiwan should formulate their own model of successor cultivation. |
目次 Table of Contents |
致謝...................................................... .........i 摘要...............................................................ii Abstract..........................................................iii 目錄...............................................................iv 圖目錄...................................................... .......v 表目錄......................................................... ....v 第一章 緒論.........................................................1 第一節 研究背景...................................................1 第二節 研究動機與目的.............................................5 第三節 研究範圍與流程.............................................6 第二章 文獻探討.....................................................7 第一節 家族企業相關文獻...........................................7 第二節 華人組織文化的特性........................................12 第三節 代理理論相關文獻..........................................14 第四節 管家理論相關文獻..........................................17 第五節 家族接班人的培養..........................................21 第三章 研究方法....................................................29 第一節 研究架構..................................................29 第二節 研究方法..................................................31 第三節 研究對象..................................................32 第四章 研究結果....................................................33 第一節 次級資料分析..............................................33 第二節 院長A訪談資料分析........................................39 第三節 第三代GD 1訪談資料分析....................................41 第四節 第三代GD 2訪談資料分析 ................................42 第五節 顧問C訪談資料分析........................................43 第五章 結論與建議..................................................45 第一節 研究結論..................................................45 第二節 對家族醫院接班建議........................................47 第三節 研究限制..................................................48 第四節 未來研究之建議............................................49 參考文獻........................................................50-55 圖目錄 圖1-1、中央健保署統計資料-歷年台灣地區西醫院數量統計................4 圖1-2、中央健保署統計資料-四級醫療機構消長..........................4 圖2-1、接班人培育五階段............................................27 圖3-1、研究觀念架構................................................29 圖3-2、研究流程...................................... ..............30 圖4-1、醫院組織圖..................................................35 圖5-1、家族企業血緣關係圖..........................................46 表目錄 表2-1、家族企業定義..............................................8-11 表2-2、代理理論與管理理論比較...................................18-19 表2-3、主理人-代理人選擇模式.......................................19 表2-4、接班人計畫定義...........................................21-22 表3-1、研究對象代號................................................32 表4-1、醫療體系....................................................36 表4-2、醫療體系員工數..............................................37 表4-3、病床配置..... ..........................................37-38 |
參考文獻 References |
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