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Title page for etd-0702118-153816
The Relationship among Transformational Leadership, Power Distance, and Job Satisfaction in Taiwan
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Transformational leadership; power distance; job satisfaction; cultural dimensions
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變革型領導是一種主要由J.M. Burns開發的領導風格,並且一直是大量管理研究的主題。變革型領導者展示了個性和願景的力量,並通過個人考慮和理想化影響等激勵策略激勵他們的追隨者。權力距離是由Geert Hofstede開發的一個概念,它指的是社會或組織中較低等級的個人接受或期望在所述社會或組織內不平等分配權力的程度。工作滿意度是一個廣泛研究的管理研究領域,實質上是衡量員工對自己工作的滿意程度。工作滿意度可以指對某項工作的總體滿意度,或對工作的各個方面(如監督,薪酬或同事)的滿意度。之前的研究表明,變革型領導與工作滿意度之間存在正相關關係先前的研究還表明,不同文化在接受和預期的功率距離水平上存在顯著差異。本研究的目的是調查台灣背景下變革型領導,權力距離和工作滿意度之間的關係。調查問卷來自目前在台灣工作的100名受訪者; 50名台灣人和50名西方國民。
Transformational leadership is a leadership style largely developed by J.M. Burns and has been the subject of a large body of managerial research. Transformational leaders demonstrate both strength of personality and vision and inspire their followers through motivational strategies such as individual consideration and idealized influence. Power Distance is a concept developed by Geert Hofstede which refers to the extent to which lower ranking individuals within a society or an organization accept or expect an unequal distribution of power within said society or organization. Job satisfaction is a widely researched area of managerial studies and is essentially a measure of how pleased an employee is with his/her job. Job satisfaction can refer to overall satisfaction with a given job, or to satisfaction with individual facets of a job such as supervision, compensation, or coworkers. Previous research indicates a positive connection between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. Previous research also indicates significant differences across cultures in accepted and expected levels of power distance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among transformational leadership, power distance, and job satisfaction in the context of Taiwan. Questionnaires were collected from 100 respondents currently working in Taiwan; 50 Taiwanese nationals and 50 western nationals.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vi
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research Purpose 2
2.1 Leadership 3
2.2 Transactional Leadership 4
2.3 Transformational Leadership 5
2.4 Relationship between Transactional and Transformational leadership 6
2.5 National Culture 7
2.5.1 Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory 7
2.5.2 Six Dimensions of Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory 8
2.6 Leadership and National Culture 9
2.6.1 Lonner's Universals 10
2.6.2 Cultural Contingencies 11
2.6.3 Universality 12
2.7 Job Satisfaction 12
2.7.1 Job Satisfaction: Hofstede's Dimensions 15
2.7.2 Job Satisfaction and Communication 20
2.7.3 Job Satisfaction and Leadership 21
3.1 Research Design 24
3.2 Participants 25
3.3 Experimental Procedure 27
3.4 Measures 28
3.4.1 Control variables 28
3.5 Data Analysis 28
3.5.1 Descriptive analysis 28
3.5.2 Independent Samples Test 28
3.5.3. Correlation analysis 29
3.5.4 Regression Analysis 29
3.5.5 One-way ANOVA Analysis 29
4.1 Descriptive statistics and inter-correlation among variables 30
4.2 Independent Samples Test 31
4.3 Regression analysis 31
4.3.1 Separated Regression Analysis 33
5.1 Conclusion 37
5.2.1 Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction 37
5.2.2 Transformational Leadership and Power Distance 38
5.2.3 Power Distance and Job Satisfaction 38
5.2.4 Power Distance and Work Experience 39
5.2.5 Power Distance and Years Lived in Taiwan 40
5.3 Suggestions for Future Research 40
Reference 41
Appendix I 48
Appendix II 54

List of Figures
Figure 1 Characteristics of transactional leaders……………………………………………5
Figure 2 Characteristics of transformational leaders………………………………………..6
Figure 3 Average level of job satisfaction by facet………………………………………...13
Figure 4 Mean level of job satisfaction by country………………………………………...19
Figure 5 Research framework……………………………………………………………...25
Figure 6 Hypotheses and results…………………………………………………………...37

List of Tables
Table 1 Demography of samples…………………………………………………………25
Table 2 Descriptive statistics and correlations…………………………………………...30
Table 3 Regression analysis: transformational leadership – job satisfaction…………….32
Table 4 Regression analysis: power distance – job satisfaction………………………….32
Table 5 Separated regression analysis: transformational leadership – job satisfaction.....33
Table 6 Separated regression analysis: transformational leadership – job satisfaction…...34
Table 7 Separated regression analysis: power distance – job satisfaction………………...35
Table 8 Separated regression analysis: power distance – job satisfaction………………...35
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