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博碩士論文 etd-0625118-093741 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0625118-093741
科技廠商面對高速運算晶片商機來臨的競爭策略 -以T個案公司為例
Technology Companies Competitive Strategy of Facing High-Performance Computing Chip Business Opportunities -- A Case Study of T Company
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core resources erspective, competitive advantage, high-speed computing chip, Resource-Based View, development strategy, core resources
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隨著時代的改變,行動裝置的盛行,消費者的行動裝置需求也從速度轉變為多工。因此,科技製造公司必須集中資源,開發更先進的製程技術,擴大生產效能。台灣為著名的代工王國,許多企業以處理國外大廠的製造訂單為主要的經營模式。然而,2011年後,半導體產業面臨激烈的產業重整,包含晶圓代工業者,現有廠商因技術走向與營運策略的不同,會面臨不同的發展態勢。本研究以台灣高階IC製造公司- T個案公司為例,探討其在高速運算晶片的商機下,企業核心資源與能力,如何形塑經營策略,進而建立企業競爭優勢。
本研究以資源基礎觀點為理論基礎,配合企業核心能力及經營模式,找出競爭優勢與未來發展策略來因應產業環境的變化與未來可能面臨的挑戰。因此,本研究以台灣高階IC製造公司- T個案公司為研究對象,針對不同部門之中高階主管進行質性的深度訪談,包含模組工程部、IT自動化部、先進研發處及研發製程中心處,共五名受訪者。訪談內容以上述議題為方向,採用五力分析與SWOT分析,進行深入研究。
With evolution of mobile technologies, along with prevalence of mobile devices, the demand for better coverage and speed facilities to consumers have been increased. Therefore, technology manufacturing companies focus on resources, develop more advanced process technologies, and expand production efficiency. Taiwan is a leading foundry kingdom, and many companies mainly deal with manufacturing orders from large foreign companies. However, since 2011, semiconductor industries are facing fierce industrial restructuring, including wafer foundry industry. Even more notable that probably manufacturers will face different development trends due to different operational strategies. This thesis explains about T - company, a high-end IC manufacturing company in Taiwan, as an example to explore its core resources and capabilities under the business opportunity of high-speed computing chips and also emphasis on how to shape business strategies, and then establish a competitive advantage.
The Resource-Base View used to determine strategies resources with potential to deliver core competence and business model. This thesis also put lights on the competitive advantages and future development strategies of the T - company, how to respond to the changes in the industrial environment and the challenges that could be faced in the future. Therefore, as the research object, in-depth interviews of five respondents which are being high-level executives in different departments, such as; the module engineering department , IT automation department, advanced R&D department and R&D process center are collated. The content of the interview is based on the five-force analysis and SWOT analysis which is used for in-depth research.

In conclusion, This thesis explains a case-by-case, qualitative interviews of various departments head and their detail analsis, sums up the industrial environment and characteristics that the T - company is currently facing, and how its resource advantages, core competencies and business strategies construct its industrial competitive advantage. Also, the study proposes relevant future development strategies, adjustments and improvements which are needed for continuing leadship over rest of the world.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract ivii
目錄 vii
表次 vii
圖次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 全球半導體產業現況分析 5
第二節 晶圓代工產業現況分析 7
第三節 資源基礎觀點 13
第四節 核心資源與核心能力 14
第五節 企業策略與競爭優勢 15
第三章 研究設計 17
第一節 研究結構 17
第二節 研究方法 18
第四章 實證分析 22
第一節 個案公司背景 22
第二節 個案公司所處的產業環境與特性分析 28
第三節 個案公司的SWOT分析 39
第四節 個案公司的核心資源與能力分析 44
第五節 個案公司的策略發展與競爭優勢分析 47
第五章 結論與建議 56
第一節 結論 56
第二節 建議 58
第三節 管理意涵 59
參考文獻 60
附錄 63
參考文獻 References
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