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博碩士論文 etd-0525118-160948 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0525118-160948
Clarifying the Dual Mechanisms Linking Service Employees' Surface acting and Counterproductive Work Behaviors Toward the Customer, Coworker and Organization
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Experience sampling method, Counterproductive work behavior, Negative affect, Ego-depletion, Emotional labor
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本研究以情緒耗竭及壓力源-情緒模式為理論基礎,針對60位不同產業的服務人員作為樣本,並以經驗抽樣法進行連續10個工作天之問卷調查,共獲得567筆有效的每日配對樣本。多層次結構方程模式結果發現:(1)服務人員每日表層演出導致每日的情緒耗竭;(2) 服務人員每日表層演出造成每日的負向心情;(3) 服務人員每日表層演出會通過每日的情緒耗竭進而造成服務人員對人際面,也就是對顧客、對同事的反生產力行為;(4) 服務人員每日表層演出會通過每日的負向心情進而造成服務人員對組織面,也就是對同事與對組織的反生產力行為。
In the surface acting process, service employees need to continuously invest their resources in regulating their external emotional expression. However, when such resources are consumed excessively, the service employees may have too many negative emotions and reduce their self-control ability. Their self-control fatigue, and therefore unable to control their words and behaviors, this may hurt customers, colleagues and organizations. Therefore, it is also very important to clarify what causes various types of counterproductive work behavior of the service employees. It is also very important to know whether different causes will produce different counterproductive work behaviors.
This study takes the self-control fatigue model and stressor-emotion model as the theoretical basis and takes 60 service employees from different industries as samples and conducts a questionnaire survey on 10 consecutive working days using the experience sampling method, obtaining a total of 567 effective daily pairing sample. The results of the multi-level structural equation model show that: (1) Daily surface acting of service employees lead to daily emotional exhaustion; (2) Daily surface acting of service employees causes daily negative affect; (3) Daily surface acting of service employees will cause the counterproductive work behavior of the service staff to their customers and their co-workers through the daily emotional exhaustion; (4) The daily surface acting of the service employees will cause the counterproductive work behavior of the service staff to their co-workers and the organizations through daily negative affect.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書..................................................................................................................... i
摘要.............................................................................................................................. ⅱ
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ iii
目录............................................................................................................................... iv
圖次............................................................................................................................... vi
表次.............................................................................................................................. vii
第一章 緒論.................................................................................................................. 1
第二章 文獻探討.......................................................................................................... 7
第一節 服務人員每日表層演出與不同反生產力行為之間的關係:情緒耗竭的觀點。 .................................................................................................................... 7
第二節 服務人員每日表層演出與每日反生產力行為之間的關係:負向心情的觀點 ........................................................................................................................ 9
第三章 研究工具........................................................................................................ 13
第一節 研究樣本與施測程序 .............................................................................. 13
第二節 研究工具 .................................................................................................. 15
第四章 研究結果........................................................................................................ 18
第一節 主要變數敘述統計分析 ............................................................................ 18
第二節 量表效度檢視——多層次結構方程式 .................................................... 20
第三節 假設檢定........................................................................................................ 20
第五章 討論與建議.................................................................................................... 24
第一節 研究主要發現 .......................................................................................... 24
第二節 理論貢獻 .................................................................................................. 24
第三節 管理意涵 .................................................................................................. 25
第四節 研究限制與未來建議 .............................................................................. 26
參考文獻...................................................................................................................... 28
附錄.............................................................................................................................. 32
參考文獻 References
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