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博碩士論文 etd-0727118-061035 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0727118-061035
An Application of Human-Centered Design to develop Service Innovation in Catering Industry
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HCD Toolkit、田野洞察、使用者經驗、以人為中心的設計、服務創新
Service innovation, Human-centred design, User experience, Field investigation, HCD Toolkit
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為了探討軟體開發是否需要融入使用者經驗設計的必要性,本研究將運用IDEO的HCD Toolkit,以人為本做為基礎概念,實作傾聽(Hear)創造(Create)發表(Deliver)三階段,深入了解餐飲業體驗使用者的需求與難處,透過個案Dudoo智慧餐飲管理系統輔助,收集場域現況的問題,發展出可行的解決方案並以雛型不斷地進行使用者測試與評估,發展出符合需求的創新服務。整個過程專注於探索使用者的故事、洞察其需求,以及透過發展解決方案,製作出雛形並進行頻繁的迭代測試。

研究結果發現,藉由HCD Toolkit許多對設計思考實務的建議,開發者將不再只是想著技術細節或成本,而是可以非常深入地洞察使用者真正的需求,傾聽使用者的聲音,以同理心重新為使用者設計各種可能的解決方案,進而發展出適用各種餐飲型態的服務。
With the change of life style, the proportion of double-income families has risen, and the foreign food groups have been growing in recent years. Convenience stores have seen the huge business opportunities of the foreign food groups, developed innovative services, expanded the dining area, developed microwave food, and gradually eroded the catering industry market. In addition, chain catering owners introduced self-service ordering machines in the on-site environment in order to enhance the catering service experience. Although there are queues in the scene, they are still regarded as advertising walls. Such innovative services cannot be applied to the field at all. Thinking about this service from the perspective of a functional module, neglecting the user's experience, not observing and exploring the real needs of the user, so that it constantly manufactures hard-to-use software and hardware, and then spends more afterwards time and spirit to learn and adapt to the software.

In order to explore the need for software development to integrate user experience design, this study will use IDEO's HCD Toolkit, people-oriented as a basic concept, and implement (Hear、Create、Deliver) three phases to understand the catering, experience the needs and difficulties of users. Through the case of Dudoo Smart Catering Management System, collect the problems of the current situation of the field, develop feasible solutions and continuously test and evaluate users in a prototype, and develop innovative products that meet the needs. The entire process focuses on exploring the user's story, insight into its needs, and developing prototypes and making frequent iterative tests.

The study found that with many of the HCD Toolkit's recommendations for design thinking, developers will no longer just think about technical details or costs, but will have a deep insight into the real needs of users and listen to the voices of users. Carefully redesigned various possible solutions for users to develop services for a variety of catering styles.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
第一章、緒論 1
1.1、研究背景 1
1.2、研究動機 4
1.3、研究目的 5
第二章、文獻探討 7
2.1服務創新與餐飲業 7
2.1.1服務創新(Service Innovation) 7
2.1.2餐飲業之服務創新 9
2.2使用者中心設計 11
2.2.1使用者中心設計之定義 11
2.2.2使用者經驗 14
2.2.3Double-diamond 15
2.3 IDEO HCD Toolkit 17
2.3.1傾聽(Hear) 18
2.3.2創造(Create) 22
2.3.3發表(Deliver) 27
第三章、研究方法 31
3.1研究流程 31
3.2個案選擇-「肚肚POS –智慧餐飲系統」 32
3.3田野洞察研究 33
3.4研究方法選擇與設計 41
第四章、資料收集與雛型設計 44
4.1傾聽(Hear):需求觀察與發現 44
4.1.1現況與難題 44
4.2創造(Create):現況故事、未來故事與雛型設計 55
4.2.1沒有設計介入的現況故事 55
4.2.2設計介入的故事 59
4.2.3雛型設計 62
4.3發表(Deliver):雛型評估與測試 64
4.3.1雛型測試與迭代 64
4.3.2情境故事測試 65
第五章、結論與建議 68
5.1研究貢獻 68
5.2 HCD流程與傳統軟體開發比較 71
5.3未來研究方向 73
參考文獻 74
附錄一:受訪者訪談內容 76
附錄二:支出明細 85
參考文獻 References
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22. When did UX start being called UX?
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