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博碩士論文 etd-0716118-201801 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0716118-201801
Detection of Drug-Disease Interactions for Acute Kidney Injury using Deep Rule Forests
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Deep rule forests, Random forest, Drug-drug interactions, Acute kidney injury, Machine learning
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急性腎損傷是正常的腎臟受到某種原因的傷害,導致腎功能突然減少,通常在數小時至幾週內發生,這會使得腎臟清除體內毒素及水份的能力在短時間內急劇下降。可能的病因包括慢性腎衰竭,藥物之間的交互作用,腎毒性藥物過量,例如:非類固醇類消炎藥(NSAIDs)。得到急性腎損傷的患者致死率高達60%,因此,如果能早期確診,早期治療,避免其衍生的併發症,可增加腎功能恢復的機會,最終提高患者的生存率,以及降低醫療成本。而藥物的交互作用是導致急性腎損傷的原因之一,藥物的交互作用是指當藥物與第二種藥物一起使用時,藥物對身體的影響發生變化,藥物相互作用可以延遲,減少或增強任一種藥物的吸收或引起藥物不良反應。我們透過台灣健保資料庫的曾經得過急性腎損傷的病人資料去發掘更多疾病藥物組合,因此,研究目的為找出什麼樣的疾病和藥物的排列組合可能導致急性腎損傷,我們提出了一種機器學習算法,即深度規則森林(Deep Rule Forest, DRF),它有助於從樹的模型中發現和提取規則,因為藥物和疾病的使用組合可以幫助識別上述相互作用透過深度規則森林所找出的疾病藥物規則,符合文獻也又找出未曾發掘過的規則,而在準確度方面DRF 模型在正確率的表現比傳統單一樹的方法與線性模式好。我們也證明層數越深,得到的規則也越精準。
Patients with kidney diseases are often diagnosed with Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). The mortality rate of critically ill patients with AKI is 60%. As a result, if AKI is diagnosed earlier, patients may have greater chances to recover renal function, which will ultimately improve the patients’ survival rate. The risk factors to AKI include drug-drug interactions and drug-disease interactions. According to previous researches, researchers used statistical analysis to measure the correlations between one disease and one drug. However, realistically, the correlations can be various when the patients usually have many prescriptions and complications. In this thesis, we propose a machine learning algorithm, Deep Rule Forests (DRF), which helps discover and extract rules from tree models as the combinations of drug and diseases usages to help identify aforementioned interactions. We also found that several drug and diseases usages that may be considered having significant impact on (re)occurrence of AKI. After that, the results show that DRF model performs better than typical tree-based and linear method in terms of the prediction accuracy. Moreover, we can obtain a series of situations that may cause AKI. If the layer of DRF model is higher, the extracted rules are more precise.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審訂書 i
Acknowledgement ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
1 Introduction 1
2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Acute Kidney Injury 4
2.2 Drug-induced renal toxicity 6
2.3 Drug-drug Interactions 7
2.4 Adverse Drug Reaction 8
2.5 Tree-based method 9
2.6 Representation learning and deep architectures 11
3 Detection of DDIs for AKI—Using Deep Rule Forests 12
3.1 Deep Rule Forests 12
3.2 Elastic net 14
4 Experimental Result 16
4.1 Data source 16
4.2 Compare the tree-based method, Lasso, and DRF model 16
4.3 Compare the rules between CART and DRF model 18
4.4 Display high risk group with AKI in forest plot 20
5 Discussion 24
6 Conclusion 25
7 Reference 26
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