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博碩士論文 etd-0710118-155250 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0710118-155250
The Effects of Using Socratic Hint to Enhance Critical Thinking Skill of Elementary 4th Grade Students
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Verbal answer, Elementary students, Socratic questioning/hint, Critical thinking
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批判性思考能力(Critical thinking)與問題解決能力、創造力、溝通能力、合作能力、創新能力並列為二十一世紀不可或缺的技能。為了在現在這個社會取得成功,現代的人必須要學習並掌握批判性思考能力。文獻指出批判性思考能力可以被提升及改善。過去已經有很多研究開始探討提升批判性思考能力的方法,而這些研究都是針對中學生與大學生居多,但批判性思考能力應該從小開始培養。因此,本研究的目的是致力於發展一套能提升國小學生批判性思考能力系統。本研究模擬傳統教導批判性思考能力的方式,透過短篇影片搭配設計的影片問題及提供蘇格拉底式提示來提升國小學生批判性思考能力。除了提供蘇格拉底式提示輔助學生的思考過程,本研究也探討要求學生回答蘇格拉底式提示對提升國小學生批判性思考能力有何影響。本研究以準實驗法將學生隨機分配至「無蘇格拉底式提示組」、「有蘇格拉底式提示組」與「回答蘇格拉底式提示組」,並進行四堂課之實驗,共有128位國小四年級學童完成本研究。其研究結果顯示:(1)使用蘇格拉底式提示能有效提升批判性思考;(2)有無回答蘇格拉底式提示對提升批判性思考能力並沒有影響。本研究建議未來可以加入系統回饋,系統根據學生所回答的內容做進一步的提問及引導學生更深層的思考,並且拉長培養時間,探討各組學生在培養批判性思考能力過程中的狀況。
Critical thinking is one of the most important skill in 21 century, along with other skills such as problem solving, creativity, collaboration, communication and innovation. Nowadays, in order to have good performance in any field or career path, one is required to be good at using their critical thinking skill to solve every problem he/she faces, understand which option is better and and most optimum. Past research had shown that critical thinking skill can be enhanced and cultivated along with numerous studies exploring different methods to improve one’s critical thinking skill. These studies were mostly focused on junior and senior high school students, college students and adults. However, past research had also shown that critical thinking skill should be cultivated starting from an early age. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develope a system to enhance the critical thinking ability of elementary school students. This study mirrored the traditional way of enhancing critical thinking skills by providing students with short films, asking them critical thinking questions regarding events in the film. Prior to answering the designed critical thinking questions, Socratic hints were provided to guide their thinking and help them to think much deeper about the critical thinking questions. The results show that there was significant different between two groups, who was provided with Socratic hints and who were not provided with. Yet, there was no significant different between two groups where both were provided with Socratic hints, with one group who was required to answer Socratic hints and another not required to answer. The suggestion for future research is according to the answer from student, the system should give them some feedback, such like a following question to lead them think much deeper.
目次 Table of Contents
論文提要 ii
致謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景與動機 1
第二節、 研究目的 2
第三節、 研究問題 2
第二章、 文獻探討 3
第一節、 批判性思考 3
第二節、 蘇格拉底式提示/問題 8
第三節、 影片問題與蘇格拉底式提示差別 10
第三章、 系統與策略設計 11
第一節、 內容設計 11
第二節、 蘇格拉底式提示之設計 14
第三節、 系統設計與流程 16
第四章、 研究方法 24
第一節、 研究假說 24
第二節、 研究工具 24
第三節、 實驗設計 34
第四節、 資料分析 39
第五章、 結果與討論 40
第一節、 人口統計資訊 40
第二節、 批判性思考能力分析 41
第三節、 綜合討論 46
第六章、 結論 52
第一節、 研究發現 52
第二節、 研究貢獻 53
第三節、 研究限制 54
第四節、 未來研究 55
參考文獻 56
附錄一、四堂課之影片問題、蘇格拉底式提示 61
附錄二、前後測 65
附錄三、前後測編碼表 69
附錄四、預試問卷 85
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