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博碩士論文 etd-0710118-093950 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0710118-093950
A Study on Business Strategy of Network Surveillance Camera Manufacturers - A Case Study of Foreign C Company
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multinational corporation, IP CAM, core resources, competitive advantage, Resource-based theory
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國際市調機構IDC預估物聯網(IoT)市場至2020年時,將自2014年的6,558億美元成長至1.7兆美元,年複合成長率(CAGR)高達29.9%。隨著物聯網和網路基礎建設的成熟,監控產業除朝向更多元、更創新與更高商業價值的整合性應用發展,全球監控產業更捲起了國際購併的千堆雪。光學影像設備大廠日商佳能(Canon)首先於2014年收購丹麥開放平台影像管理系統(VMS)商Milestone,緊接著更於2015年以近28億美元金併購創立於1984年的瑞典網路攝影機廠商安迅士(Axis)。綜觀近10年來的全球網路監控設備產業發展來看,無論是在網路攝影機(IP CAM)研發技術上執牛耳地位的安迅士(Axis)或在整合視訊監控系統(VMS)上提出先進觀念的Milestone,都為產業發展與走向提供導引與指標性參考作用。台達電子在2017年底併購晶睿通訊(Vivotek),更是揭櫫台灣網路監視器產業整併的新紀元。外商C公司為日商佳能(Canon)在台灣百分百持股分公司,對於在競爭異常激烈的台灣網路攝影機產業亦肩負區域分公司責無旁貸的開發拓展使命。
IDC, the global market analysis information provider, estimates that the Internet of Things (IoT) market will grow from $655.8 billion to $1.7 trillion by 2020, with a CAGR of 29.9%. With the maturity of the IoT and network infrastructure, the network video survelliance industry has developed a multi-pronged international acquisition. Canon, the optical equipment manufacturer, first acquired the Danish open platform video management system (VMS) provider Milestone in 2014, followed by a nearly 2.8 billion US dollar merger Ais in 2015, a Swedish network camera manufacturer founded in 1984.
Looking at the development of the global network surveillance equipment industry in the past 10 years, whether it is the Axis in the leadership of IP CAM technology or the advanced concept in the integrated video surveillance system (VMS) Milestone provides a guiding and indicative reference for the development and direction of the industry.Delta Electronics acquired Vivotek at the end of 2017, which is a new era in the consolidation of Taiwan's network surveillance industry. Foreign company C is the 100% shareholding company of Canon in Taiwan. It also shoulders the responsibility of developing and expanding the regional branch office in the highly competitive Taiwanese network camera industry.
The case analyzed by the structure of the resource-based theory and outlines the respective competitive advantages and the application strategies derived from it. It provides the recommendations for the development of the Taiwanese network camera industry by foreign company C. The qualitative case study method is adopted and applied. The research subjects include three network camera manufacturers including foreign company C, and through in-depth interviews with the four senior executives of the three case companies and related secondary data. In-depth interviews and analysis on issues such as resources, capabilities, competitive advantages and business strategies.
Finally, the conclusions are summarized and summarized for the future decision-making of foreign-related subsidiaries of related industries, and suggestions for the direction of the late-investigators.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
目 錄 v
圖 次 vii
表 次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 資源基礎理論 5
第二節 競爭策略 14
第三章 研究設計 19
第一節 研究結構 19
第二節 研究模式 20
第三節 研究方法 22
第四章 產業現況介紹 25
第一節 何謂網路攝影機 25
第二節 全球網路攝影機現況 27
第三節 台灣/中國/和其他國家網路攝影機廠商之現況 30
第五章 個案簡介 34
第一節 C公司 34
第二節 A公司 37
第三節 V公司 42
第六章 資料分析與討論 46
第一節 綜合討論 46
第七章 結論與建議 52
第一節 個案發現與結論彙整 52
第二節 後續研究方向與建議 53
參考文獻 54
一、中文 54
二、英文 54
附錄 個案訪談內容 56
參考文獻 References
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