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Title page for etd-0627118-113439
The influence of information transparency and presentation format on a review sequence recommendation: an eye-tracking study in the context of programming learning
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recommendation system, Programming learning, eye-tracking, information presentation format, information transparency
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教育背景下的推薦系統越來越重要。大多數研究都以推薦系統的功能性及其有效性為主要研究目標;然而,我們認為推薦系統的設計屬性同樣也為重要之研究議題。因此,本研究藉由一程式評量輔助系統(WPGA),從設計構面探究此系統所提供之推薦功能,是否能有效的傳遞系統所推薦的複習順序以支援學生學習程式設計。我們探討了資訊透明與資訊呈現對於學生感受WPGA的影響,並更深入的探討此系統是否可以幫助學生學習,激勵他們進一步學習並願意推薦其他程式課程來使用WPGA。 本實驗使用解釋說明來控制資訊透明,並使用了兩種呈現方式,包含視覺化與純文字模式。實驗分析方法包含了問卷、眼動儀、與實驗後訪談。研究結果發現,提高資訊透明度在推薦系統中是不可或缺的,基於視覺化的易讀性,學生們更偏好以視覺化的方式來呈現資訊。學生們喜歡此系統所提供的複習順序推薦,並於與推薦系統互動中激勵他們進一步學習的慾望,同時也願意推薦其他程式相關課程使用此系統。眼動儀的結果顯示,學生們的眼動行為在兩種呈現模式中存在顯著差異,學生們在視覺化版本中花的時間比較少。總結來說,系統設計者在設計推薦系統時,應該考慮資訊透明度,且教育者可以利用視覺化的方式來呈現較複雜的知識。
Recommendation system in education context is gaining in importance. While most studies focused on the functionality and effectiveness of the recommendation, we believe the design attribute of the recommendation is as important. The present study proposed a programming learning system, Web Programming Grading Assistant (WPGA), which helps students by recommending a review sequence of questions. To improve the system and recommendation, we investigated the effect of information transparency and information presentation format on the students’ perceptions of the system, and explored if the recommendation could help students learn, motivate them for further learning and being willing to recommend other programming learning courses to apply WPGA. Information transparency was manipulated as explanation provision. Two formats, a visual version and a textual version, were designed to present the explanation. Multiple data analyses including questionnaires, an eye tracker and post experiment interview were utilized. The results showed raising the degree of information transparency is essential in recommendation system, and the students preferred the visual version of explanation as they perceived it easier to interpret. They also liked the recommendation as it motivated them for further learning and they were willing to recommend other programming courses to implement WPGA. Results from the eye tracker showed significant difference as the students spent less time on the visual version. In conclusion, practitioners should consider information transparency while designing recommendation system, and educators can leverage visualization when presenting teaching materials of complex knowledge such as programming.
目次 Table of Contents
審定書 i
Acknowledgement ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Table of contents v
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and background 1
1.2 Research scope 1
1.3 Objective, problem statement, and research questions 3
2. Theoretical Background 4
2.1 programming learning and recommendation systems 4
2.2 Information transparency 6
2.3 Visual and textual presentation 7
2.4 Eye-tracking 9
3. Conceptual model and hypothesis development 11
3. 1 Format and explanation as stimulus 12
3. 2 Understanding of recommendation and perceive learning as organism 13
3.3 Recommend using and learning motivation as responses 15
4. Methodology 17
4.1 Research system 17
4.2 Apparatus 20
4.3 Subjects and experiment procedure 20
4.4 Data analysis 22
5. Result 24
5. 1 Effect of stimuli on understanding of recommendation 24
5. 2 Structural model analyses 28
6. Discussions 28
6.1 The influence of presentation format and explanation 29
6.2 Eye movement and spatial ability 30
6.3 The effect of understanding of recommendation 30
7. Conclusion 31
8. References 32
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