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博碩士論文 etd-0622118-215903 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0622118-215903
探討業外損益對公司績效的影響 - 以家族企業為例
Relationship Between Non-operating Earnings and Corporate Performance - Take Family Firms as Example
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
corporate performance, family firms, non-operating gains and losses, corporate governance, diversification
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Companies usually make use of non-operating earnings to manipulate earnings because of their discontinuity, such as much scandal in the past. So it is always labeled as speculative when a company’s non-operating earnings account for a large proportion of its profit. This paper uses the listed companies in Taiwan from 1996 to 2016 excluding public enterprises and financial industries to examine the relationship between non-operating gains and losses and corporate performance. According to the fact that the percentage of family firms in Taiwan’s public entities is about 70% and the unique of their board composition and ownership structure, the paper also explore whether the diversification will be one of the means family members make use to manipulate the corporate earnings. Empirical evidence shows that non-operating gains and losses have a positive effect on the corporate performance. According to the results of the Mann-Whitney U test, family firms or not doesn’t affects a company to make more non-operating earnings.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書.................................... i
中文摘要....................................... ii
英文摘要....................................... iii
1.1 研究背景與目的.......................1
2.1 企業經營績效..........................5
2.1.1 TobinQ..................................4
2.1.2 ROE.......................................6
2.1.3 ROA.......................................7
2.2 家族企業..................................8
2.3 業外損益..................................9
2.4 公司治理.................................12
3.1 資料來源及樣本篩選過程......14
3.2 變數定義.................................15
3.2.1 應變數.................................15
3.2.2 自變數.................................16
4.1 敘述統計................................22
4.2 變異數分析............................24
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