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論文名稱 Title |
使用線上共享經濟平台之研究-以Codementor為例 Research on Using Online Sharing Economy Platform – A Case of Codementor |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
82 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2018-07-06 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2018-07-18 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
認知價值、社會性影響、價值接受模式、時間壓力、共享經濟 Value-based Adoption Theory, Time Pressure, Social Influence, Perceived Value, Sharing Economy |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 6062 次,被下載 1 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6062 times, has been downloaded 1 times. |
中文摘要 |
資訊科技的進步促使了人們生活方式及購物習慣的改變,大家逐漸趨於重視資產的使用權,而非永久的所有權。共享經濟的應用因此在生活中逐漸滲入,利用有形資產的共享或出租(Uber, Airbnb)或無形資產的分享(Codementor, EatWith),透過分享以充份善用閒置資源,使資源價值最大化,又能創造新的價值,並讓共享者能各取所需、獲得回饋。 過去共享經濟相關的研究多著重在有形資產的案例上,且過去在談論共享經濟時多以動機及認知價值為主,鮮少去衡量參與共享經濟時可能產生的利益及成本,有鑑於此,本研究希望能以台灣團隊專業程式知識分享的Codementor平台作為研究主軸,並收集台灣程式工程師意見作為研究樣本。為了去了解何種利益及成本因素對於軟體程式工程師會帶來甚麼程度的價值,進而去影響使用意圖,而且我們還進一步去討論當潛在使用者面臨時間壓力下或是有替代平台時會如何調解利益及成本對於認知價值的影響。本研究是以價值接受模式作為框架,發展出影響潛在使用者利用共享經濟平台分享知識的研究模式。 透過問卷調查的方式,有效分析 179 份回收問卷確認不同利益與成本將會有不同程度的價值,以及在不同情形下會對認知價值產生不同的影響。研究結果顯示,在利益方面,網站是否可以降低搜尋答案的時間、正確解決問題及與結交志趣相投的人對於價值有很大的影響,而在成本方面則是金錢與時間。此外,我們也發現了重要他人會對使用意圖有正向影響。最後,結果也顯示出,時間壓力會調節成本對於認知價值的影響。 |
Abstract |
Previous studies related to a sharing economy have mostly focused on tangible assets. For the most part, participant motivation and perceived value were the main issues of the sharing economy. However, the benefits and costs that might be incurred when participating in the sharing of intangible assets have been rarely measured. In view of this, this study has chosen to examine programming knowledge in the shared platform, Codementor, in Taiwan, and to collect the opinions of Taiwanese programming engineers. This study attempts to understand the factors of benefits and cost in order to examine how Taiwanese engineers value Codementor. The current study uses value-based adoption theory as a conceptual framework, and proposes an integrated model to understand the potential users' motivations for using sharing economic platforms. After collecting data from 179 Taiwanese engineers, the study affirms that different benefits and costs will influence various levels of perceived value and will have different perceived values in different situations. The results of this research showed lower searching costs, social benefit, and problem-solving, and those benefits have a significant influence on value, as well as money and time. Additionally, social influence has a positive effect on the motivation for use. Finally, the moderating effect of time pressure on the relationship between costs and perceived value were also significant. |
目次 Table of Contents |
Content 論文審定書 i 誌謝 ii Abstract iv Content v List of Figure viii List of Table ix Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Motivation and Research Purposes 2 Chapter 2 Literature Review 6 2.1 Sharing Economy 6 2.2 Value-based Adoption Model 10 Chapter 3 Research Model and Hypotheses 15 3.1 Hypotheses Development 15 3.1.1 Benefit 15 3.1.2 Cost 18 3.1.3 Value and Intention 19 3.1.4 Social influences 20 3.1.5 Time pressure 20 3.2 Research Model 21 3.3 Operational Definition 22 3.4 Measurement 24 3.5 Sampling and Data Collection 27 Chapter 4 Data Analysis 30 4.1 Manipulation Check 30 4.2 Demographic Statistics 31 4.3 Measurement Validation 33 4.3.1 Common Method Variance 34 4.3.2 Reliability and Validity 35 4.4 Hypotheses Testing 41 4.4.1 Different Age Group Analysis 44 4.5 Discussions 46 4.5.1 Discussion of benefit and cost factors 46 4.5.2 Discussion of value-based adoption theory 48 4.5.3 Discussion of social influences 48 4.5.4 Moderating role of time pressure 49 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Implication 51 5.1 Summary 51 5.2 Academic implications 53 5.3 Practical implications 54 5.4 Limitation and Suggestions for Future Study 55 Reference 56 Appendix 65 |
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