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博碩士論文 etd-0616118-181354 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0616118-181354
The Impacts of Image Contexts on Dialogue Systems
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
, Dialogue, Convolutional neural networks, Recurrent neural networks, Image recognition, Natural language, Neural networks, Machine learning
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Chatting with machines is not only possible but also more and more common in our lives these days. With the approach, we can execute commands and obtain companionship and entertainment through interacting with the machines. In the past, most dialogue systems only used existing replies based on the instructions the machines received. However, it is unlikely for people to feel the vitality of the machine. People still regard their chatting partners are computer systems. In order to develop a more realistic dialogue system, this study adopts a deep neural network to train the machines to make more lifestyle-oriented dialogues. People’s common dialogues include not only simple question-answering problems and the answers are not just as short as a noun or a yes-or-no answer. There are also many diverse and interesting responses. Moreover, suitable communicative responses among the conversationalists depend not only on the contents, but also on the environmental contexts. This study develops a dialogue system to take into account the two essential factors, and uses the TV series as the training datasets. These datasets contain not only conversational contents but also video frames which represent the contexts and the situations when the conversations occur.

To explore the effect of the image context on the utterance in a dialogue, this work uses a deep neural network model, combining a convolutional neural network (which works well in image recognition) with a recurrent neural network (which achieves excellent performance in natural language). It aims to develop a dialogue system to consider both images and utterances, and to find better ways to evaluate the dialogue system’s responses including defining a quantitative measurement and designing a questionnaire to verify the models learnt from the datasets.
目次 Table of Contents
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
1. 緒論 1
1-1. 研究背景 1
1-2. 研究動機與目的 2
2. 文獻探討 3
2-1. 對話 3
2-1-1. 循環神經網路 3
2-1-2. SeqToSeq 模型 4
2-1-3. 對話系統 5
2-2. 影像處理 5
2-2-1. 圖片處理 5
2-2-2. 影片處理 7
2-3. 影像與自然語言 7
3. 研究方法 9
3-1. 資料集 10
3-1-1. 資料集介紹 10
3-1-2. 資料集的選擇 11
3-1-3. 字幕處理 12
3-2. 衡量方法 14
3-2-1. 自動評量 15
3-2-2. 人工評量 16
3-3. 模型 16
3-3-1. 影像與語句模型 16
3-3-2. 純語句模型 20
3-3-3. 相似度模型 20
4. 實驗及結果 22
4-1. 資料集分析 22
4-2. 訓練模型 24
4-2-1. 影像擷取 24
4-2-2. 訓練策略 25
4-2-3. 收斂狀況 26
4-3. 影像的影響 28
4-3-1. 對於模型產出的影響 28
4-3-2. 影像分析 33
4-4. 訓練結果 35
4-4-1. 訓練資料的學習狀況 35
4-4-2. 相似度模型 38
4-4-3. 人工評量結果 40
4-5. 綜合討論 41
5. 結論與未來研究 44
5-1. 結論 44
5-2. 未來研究 44
參考資料 46
附錄-人工評量題目 49
參考文獻 References
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