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博碩士論文 etd-0525118-135155 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0525118-135155
The Effects of Social Network Application Communication during Non-work Time on Employee Person-Job Fit, Subordinate-Supervisor Fit and Person-Organization Fit
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Social Network Application, Person-job fit, Subordinate-supervisor Fit, Person-organization fit
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In the past, subordinates and supervisors had few channels to communicate with each other during non-work time. With the advent of social network application, it changes communication way after work. This study divides the communication content into two types and the frequency of communication is also divided into three types. This study uses qualitative methodology to discuss the impact of the use of social network application and its frequency level. The main findings are as follow:
1. Higher frequency of supervisors having communication on official business with the subordinates via social network application during non-work time, lower P-J fit, S-S fit, P-O fit would have.
2. Higher frequency of supervisors having communication in personal affairs with the subordinates via social network application during non-work time, higher P-J fit, S-S fit, P-O fit would have.
3. When the frequency of communicating on official business and personal affairs are the same, it would result in a negative effect on subordinates-supervisors fit.
目次 Table of Contents
Verification letter from the Oral Examination Committee............................................i
Chinese Abstract...........................................................................................................iii
English Abstract............................................................................................................iv
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................v
List of
List of tables.................................................................................................................vii
Chapter 1 Introduction...................................................................................................1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation.................................................................1
1.2 Research Objectives.............................................................................................3
Chapter 2 Literature Review..........................................................................................4
2.1 Social Network Application.................................................................................4
2.2 Person-Job Fit.......................................................................................................7
2.3 Subordinate-Supervisor Fit................................................................................10
2.4 Person-Organization Fit.....................................................................................13
Chapter 3 Research Method.........................................................................................15
3.1 Research Framework..........................................................................................16
3.2 Research Subject................................................................................................18
3.3 Research Process................................................................................................20
3.4 Data Analysis.....................................................................................................21
Chapter 4 Research Result...........................................................................................23
4.1 Overall Review...................................................................................................24
4.2 Effects of Frequency of Communicating on Official Business..........................31
4.3 Mediation of Frequency of Communicating on Official Affairs.......................37
Chapter 5 Conclusion & Suggestion............................................................................40
5.1 Conclusion..........................................................................................................41
5.2 Managerial Implication......................................................................................43
5.3 Limitation & Suggestion for Future Research...................................................44
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