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論文名稱 Title |
以IaaS服務商探討雲端虛擬化租賃服務再購意願之研究 The Study of the Repurchase Intention of Cloud Virtual Machine’s Leasing Service for IaaS Cloud Provider |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
93 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2018-04-16 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2018-05-26 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
分析層級程序法、再購買意願、雲端運算雲端運算、基礎架構即服務、服務品質 Repurchase Intention, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Cloud Computing, Service Quality, Infrastructure as Service |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 6129 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6129 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
雲端服務在系統架構不斷的更迭演進,網路服務也日漸增多,使用者亦能夠透過網路取得雲端應用服務,中小型企業或一般使用者對於雲端運算虛擬化技術接受度也越來越高,也是企業轉型的基礎。 因此在規格選擇上所期望的資料傳輸流量與運算能力規格也因需求而有所評估,使用多少虛擬主機則租用多少資源的概念下,並且在長期而言使用雲端服務的租用有效降低建置成本與費用,也因創新服務的市場商機需求存在,也帶動增加雲端基礎架構的供應商進行建置與部署,定義產品與服務創造商業策略。雲端 IT 基礎設施在企業的投入營運成本偏高,在虛擬化基礎架構與維護的費用所費不貲,如何提升銷售力道以及維持客戶的忠誠度,能夠持續不斷再租用的產品服務是企業營運上重要的環節之一,對於客戶的資訊以及使用雲端服務的用途越瞭解,便能清楚掌握客戶的購買行為與接受程度,以及分析消費者客群來源,進而改善調整客戶所需的雲端解決方案。 本研究主要是以彙整文獻回顧資料,以了解雲端服務商建置雲端平台所提供的產品服務與顧客採用雲端虛擬化的考量之間之因素,並透過雲端領域專業人士做深度訪談之後,彙整評估構面與再購因素定義,建立構面層級的評估準則。接著,利用層級分析法 (AHP) 的工具進行評估準則與分析,目的是了解企業建置基礎架構時評估的指標,將(1)研究構面的權重做出計算與整體排序,對嘗試找出影響持續租賃虛擬化服務的因素,(2)瞭解消費者在選擇上所考量的因素及產品服務水準之偏好,進而探討實質再租用的意向,(3)透過資訊的分析與檢視推估整體消費者,提供業務或銷售人員在決策上,也能讓企業調整商業模式,快速地縮短產品銷售的時間,給予實質具有價值的資訊與方向。 |
Abstract |
Cloud computing is a hot topic of IT in recent years. Under the trend of significant growth in cloud services, the system architecture continues to evolve. Increasing number of Internet services are accessed via cloud. SMEs or the general public's acceptance of cloud computing virtualization technology is getting higher and higher, and it is also the foundation for enterprise transformation. The expected data transmission traffic and computing capacity specifications in the cloud are usually evaluated based on the demand. The concept of PAY AS YOU GO for tenant virtual hosts, and the use of cloud service rental in the long run effectively reduces the construction cost. Due to the existence of market opportunities for innovation services, the cloud infrastructure providers that build and deploy cloud infrastructure have to define products and services based on their business strategies. However, cloud IT infrastructure investment has high building and operating costs. Thus, how to enhance sales and maintain customer loyalty, and continue to rent products and services is crucial for cloud service providers. The understanding of the customer's intention on the use of cloud services allow cloud service providers to clearly grasp the customer's purchase behavior and acceptance, which in turn improve the adjustment of the customer's cloud solution. The purpose of this study is to understand the factors between the cloud service provider's provision of cloud-based platform services and the customer's adoption of cloud virtualization considerations. After literature review and conducting in-depth interviews with cloud domain professionals, we defining facets and repurchasing factors to establish facet level assessment criteria. We then use hierarchy analysis method (AHP) to conduct evaluation criteria and analysis in order to understand the importance of indicators. In summary, we have the following objectives: (1) Calculate the weight of the research facets and the overall ranking, and try to find out Factors that significantly affect the continued leasing of virtualization services. (2) Understand consumers' preferences in terms of selection and preferences of product service standards, and then exploring the intention of leasing. (3) Estimate overall consumption through analysis and inspection of information. The provision of business or sales staff in decision-making can also enable companies to adjust their business models, quickly shorten the time for product sales, and give them valuable information and direction. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 論文提要 ii 誌謝 iii 摘要 iv Abstract v 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3 研究目的 4 1.4 章節架構 6 第二章 文獻探討 8 2.1 雲端運算概述與產業現況 8 2.1.1 雲端運算概述 8 2.1.2 雲端產業現況 11 2.2 雲端基礎架構即服務(IaaS) 15 2.3 雲端虛擬化租賃服務之因素構面 16 2.3.1 雲端供應商評估建置雲端平台測量指標 16 2.3.2 雲端運算顧客採納雲端虛擬化服務因素 18 2.4 服務品質 19 2.5 再購買因素 21 2.6 分析層級程序法 (AHP) 23 2.6.1 AHP 基本假設 25 2.6.2 AHP 應用流程步驟 25 第三章 研究方法與研究流程 30 3.1 研究流程與架構 30 3.2 研究對象 32 3.2.1 專家遴選 32 3.2.2 信效度分析 33 3.3 研究因素擬定 34 3.3.1 構面因素文獻彙整 34 3.3.2 專家評選因素資料彙整 36 3.4 構面因素說明 40 3.4.1 靈活性因素 41 3.4.2 效能因素 41 3.4.3 信任因素 42 3.4.4 安全因素 42 3.4.5 誘因提供因素 43 3.4.6 服務管理因素 44 3.5 資料來源及蒐集方法 45 3.6 問卷設計 45 第四章 研究結果分析 46 4.1 個案公司說明 46 4.2 資料處理工具 47 4.3 確認評估準則與層級架構 47 4.3.1 問卷回收狀況 48 4.3.2 雲端虛擬化服務再購意願評估準則之彙整 49 4.4 建立成對比較矩陣與一致性檢定 50 4.5 計算層級因素間權重之分析 54 4.6 評估準則結果決策 62 第五章 結論與建議 65 5.1 研究結論 65 5.2 研究限制 66 5.3 研究貢獻 67 5.4 未來研究建議 67 參考文獻 68 中文部分 68 英文部分 71 附錄 74 附錄一 第一階段-構面與評估準則篩選 74 附錄二 第二階段-構面因素探討 77 |
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