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Title page for etd-0726119-200311
Factors Affection IS personnel’s Intention to learn new programming languages
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Technology acceptance model (TAM), IS personnel Learning, programming language, Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB)
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本研究以計劃行為理論 (TPB) 概念為基礎,說明計劃行為理論中的因素:態度、主觀規範和知覺行為控制如何影響資訊人員對學習新程式語言的行為意圖,並進一步探討影響行為意圖之因素及變項間的關係,以Python為學習程式語言討論,並對在職的資訊人員為研究對象,採網路問卷調查,先透過前測確認量表之信效度,正式施測獲得有效樣本共238份,透過SPSS 24.0 與 Smart PLS 2.0兩套統計軟體作為分析的工具,透過結構方程式模型對收集回來的樣本進行處理與分析。本研究結果如下:一、不論是態度或知覺行為控制皆正向顯著的影響資訊人員對於學習程式語言的行為意向;主觀規範對於學習程式語言的行為意向則接近顯著。二、知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺有趣性對態度皆有正向顯著影響,其中以知覺有趣性最具影響力;表資訊人員對於該程式語言學習的態度主要來自對該語言的好奇引起的興趣,進而沈浸的學習。三、上級影響顯著高於同儕影響,但因兩個群體結果抵銷後主觀規範影響則接近顯著。四、自我效能和協助條件兩者對行為意圖皆有正向顯著預測力,但自我效能影響顯著高於協助條件;表資訊人員對於學習新程式具備越高的自信心,則其學習的意願則越高。
Technologies are ever-changing. Each advance in technologies brought dramatic changes as like a reform, and advances in technologies seem to accelerate progressively. Technologies are being applied in more and more fields, new technologies are being introduced, and global competition is becoming increasingly fierce; in such a context, it has become a necessary strategy for enterprises to accelerate their pace of transformation and apply information technology to create advantages. The role played by information department personnel has gradually transferred from supporting force in the past to now the priority for the development of a company. A company could effectively utilize its information department to develop itself into a leader in innovation in the industry. Both the introduction of new system and upgrading of old system require the professional support or development design of information personnel. Accordingly, information personnel cannot just be responsible for the maintenance of old system as before, instead, they need to be open-minded to embrace new technologies and keep learning upon self-analysis. Only in such way they can improve their value and maintain their portable competency.
Based on the concept of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), this study explained how the factors in TPB, namely, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control, would influence information personnel’s behavioral intention to learn a new programming language, and further discussed the relationships among the factors influencing behavioral intention and variables. Discussions were based on learning a programming language, Python. In addition, in-service information personnel were invited to complete questionnaires online. Reliability and validity of scale were confirmed by pretest. A total of 238 valid samples were used for official test. Sample data were analyzed by two types of statistical software, namely, SPSS 24.0 and Smart PLS 2.0. Samples recovered were treated and analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SME). According to research results of this study: (1) both attitude and perceived behavioral control have positive significant influence on information personnel’s behavioral intention to learn a programming language; subjective norm has a close significant influence on behavioral intention to learn a programming language; (2) perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived playfulness have positive significant influence on attitude; in particular, perceived playfulness has the most significant influence, which demonstrates that information personnel’s attitude toward learning the programming language mainly derives from the interest triggered by their curiosity about the programming language, which further results in immersing in learning; (3) superior influence is more significant than peer influence; but the influence of subjective norm is close to significant after offsetting between the results of the two groups; and (4) self-efficiency and supporting conditions have positive significant prediction on behavioral intention, but the prediction of self-efficiency is more significant than that of supporting conditions, which demonstrates that information personnel will be more willing to learn a new programming language if they are more confident with themselves in learning the language.
Research implication of this study is to provide a reference for promoters of programming language, introduction of new programme, new system in a company, or persons aiming at improving the climate for learning programming language in an information unit.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要……………………………………………………………….... ii
英文摘要………………………………………………………………… iii
第 一 章 緒論……………………………………………………………. 1
第 一 節 研究背景………………….…….………………………… 1
第 二 節 研究動機與目的………………………………………….. 2
第 三 節 研究流程…………………………...……………………... 4
第 二 章 文獻探討………………………………………………………. 5
第 一 節 程式語言…………………………………………..……… 5
第 二 節 學習動機…………………………………………..……… 9
第 三 節 科技接受模型……………………………………...……. 13
第 四 節 計劃行為理論………………………………...…………. 15
第 三 章 研究方法…………………...…………………………………. 22
第 一 節 研究架構…………………...…………………………….. 22
第 二 節 研究假說………………………………………………… 23
第 三 節 研究變項與操作型定義………………..……………….. 27
第 四 節 研究設計……...……………….………………………… 33
第 四 章 資料分析與討論…………………..………………………….. 35
第 一 節 問卷回收………………………….……………………… 35
第 二 節 樣本基本資料分析………………………...…….………. 35
第 三 節 衡量問項平均與標準差………….………….………….. 39
第 四 節 信度與效度檢測……..…………………….……………. 43
第 五 節 模型驗證與結果………..………………….……………. 46
第 五 章 結論與建議………………………………………………….... 50
第 一 節 研究結果…………………………………………………. 50
第 二 節 實務貢獻…………………………….……………………51
第 三 節 研究限制與未來研究建議……………………………….53

圖 目 錄
圖2-1 GitHub機器學習最常用語言排名………………………….……..8
圖2-3 知覺有趣性使用於科技接受延伸模型…………………………..14

表 目 錄
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