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博碩士論文 etd-1128119-163649 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1128119-163649
The accumulation effect of Community of Practice on Intellectual Capital, using Knowledge management as a intermediary.
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Community of Practice、Intellectual capital、Knowledge Management、Wikinomics
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一、 實務社群是企業「外部知識獲取管道」之一,在社群人特質、知識異質性、和維基經濟學模式的影響下,能刺激個人「心智模式」轉變,發展出新的成長路徑 。因知識的內化和角色的轉換,除了樂於分享知識給他人,另一方面,當社群成員樂於知識分享時,亦會提高個人學習意願。
二、 實務社群大多能提供學習情境和個人展現的機會,但在增加個人反省的能力、提升對問題快速反應的能力、促進人際溝通或合作專業、理解生活中各個角色和增進建構知識等能力的成長方面,會依個人心態、角色的不同而有差異,但整體而言對於人力資本的累積是呈正向。
三、 企業參與社群對於結構資本的累積程度,包括公司文化、管理制度、作業流程、資訊系統、產品研發能力、創新能力、人才招募等,視公司決策者態度而定,若決策者為社群參與人甚至是曾任組織者,其正向影響會非常高。
四、 企業參與社群對於公司外部知識獲取、增加對外發展新關係有明顯幫助,另在強化現有品牌認知程度、顧客關係和策略聯盟關係的提升,視產品類型、客戶對象和經營策略而有所不同。
五、 積極的員工因不斷的追求成長,會尋求自我提升的管道。企業應適時給予支持和鼓勵,員工獲得肯定,認為與企業共同成長,長期留任的機率變高。全球具競爭力的企業對於技術實務社群採開放和尊重的態度,用來吸引優秀的數位人才並獲得知識財,才能建立並持續擴大市場影響力,這樣的成效短期內無法驗收需經過長期觀察。
The main purpose of this thesis is to study the accumulation effect of Community of Practice on Intellectual Capital, using Knowledge management as a intermediary.
The study uses Qualitative research Method, a long with Documentary analysis and Interviewing,to carry out research on the external channels of obtaining, and their ralations between Knowledge Heterogeneity and Wikinomics , between Knowledge Management , Intellectual Capital and Enterprise Competitiveness. From above to determine the interviewers of this study, totaling people from technical social media organigers , sponsors.
Fice conclusions have been achieved as follows.
1. Community of Practice is one of channels for corporates to get external knowledge. Under the influence of trait,Knowledge Heterogeneity and Wikinomics , employees will be able to change his/her mental model ,developing new growth paths. Because of internalization and role, aside from enjoying sharing with other, the members of the social media will also enhance their willingness of learning.
2. Community of Practice can mostly offer learning environment and opportuuiest for individual to perform; however , in aarears of increasing oersonal ability to introspect , improving reactions to problems , enhancing profession on inter-person communication and cooperation , understanding each one’s role and improving ability and his/her role. Nonetheless, the effect on accumulating human capital is positive.
3. Thw degree of accumulation on Structure Capital in corporates , oncluding corporate cultures ,management system、work flow、information system、product R & D capabilities、creativity、recruitment,depends on the attitude of the executive , and if he/she is a member of Community or even the organizer , the effect of the above would be significant.
4. Corporate’s participation of social media helps obviously in obtaining external knowledge , and increase development of new relationship. In addition, in the aspect of beefing up recognition of existing brands, customer relationship , elevating the relation between strategic partners, will vary depending on product types and clients.
5. Aggressive employees will look for ways to self-promote in the process of continuous growth. Corporates should timely offer employees support and encouragement, believing the chance of growing up with the company and staying in it will increase.
6. The most competitive corporates in the world, APPLE、Google、Amazon、Microsoft, take open and respective attitude toward Tech communities. They also acttract talented experts in digital technologies and keep them in the company in order to continue to expand their influence on world market. However, such effect can’t be observed in short time; instead, it needs long term oberseration.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iv
目次 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究範圍與限制 4
第四節 研究方法 5
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 知識管理 8
第二節 智慧資本 21
第三節 實務社群 24
第四節 個人動機和行為理論 26
第五節 本章小結 29
第三章 研究方法 34
第一節 研究架構 34
第二節 研究假設 35
第三節 研究對象 36
第四節 研究工具 40
第四章 研究結果 45
第一節 個人動機和行為 45
第二節 研究結果 48
第五章 結論與建議 97
第一節研究結論 97
第二節 管理意涵 98
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 103
參考文獻 105
附件一 111
附件二 117
參考文獻 References
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