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論文名稱 Title |
行政首長領導風格與「政府服務品質獎」得獎之關聯性 The Connection between the Leadership Style of Executive Heads and Winning the Government Service Quality Award |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
105 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2017-07-25 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2017-09-09 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
轉換型領導風格、行政首長、政府服務品質獎、魅力型領導風格、交易型領導風格 charismatic leadership style, transactional leadership style, executive head, transformative eadership style, government service quality award |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 6050 次,被下載 582 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6050 times, has been downloaded 582 times. |
中文摘要 |
「政府服務品質獎」評核標準為公部門各項服務措施的最高指導原則,且得獎機關為各政府機關標竿學習的對象,對此進行服務措施觀摩與學習,評估及規劃機關之需求,擇選與分析其對組織管理之影響,因而獲取機關適切的學習對象,有效挹注組織新動力及思維,型塑優質機關形象,以激發行政執行績效,一般行政機關皆希冀贏得此獎勵,且針對政府服務品質獎亦有相關的研究,惟其研究鮮少聚焦在以行政首長領導風格與得獎的關係。基此,本研究試就以「交易型領導風格」、「魅力型領導風格」及「轉換型領導風格」為評估指標,經由文獻資料分析,進行研究對象訪談,收集比較資料分析,探討其與「政府服務品質獎」得獎之關係性。 經本研究深度訪談發現在「交易型領導風格」,可區分成既定規制及超越規制二類,此二類為過去文獻所尚未討論,而且因有超越規制性的存在,亦讓獲獎機關的領導風格更傾向轉換型,形成與未得獎機關重大的差異,總歸來講得獎機關基本上以「轉換型領導風格」為主要,其特別於交易類型展現超越規制風格,而未得獎機關比較為傳統的「交易型領導風格」,在「魅力型領導風格」的轉換不是那麼明顯,故為非「轉換型領導風格」。 透過研究者觀察及研究過程獲知,參加政府服務品質獎成功案例,其非單一因素條件足以成就,涉及機關內部資源多寡、上級機關重視程度、全體同仁之參與、機關業務屬性等,前述諸多因素不必然全部成立,方能符合參獎成功條件,惟其行政首長領導風格亦屬成功關鍵條件之一,但因本研究僅限於4個案比較,未來應擴大調查行政首長領導風格與機關得獎與否之關聯,以進一步確認因果,並貢獻於現有文獻尚未深入討論的部分。 |
Abstract |
The assessment criteria of the "Government Service Quality Award" serve as the guiding principles for public governmental service. The recipient governmental units are considered the role model of the other government agencies. The evaluation for the award observes the requirements of the learning, assessment and planning, analyzes the impact on the organization and management, and obtains the appropriate learning object, in order to effectively inject new impetus and thinking into the organization, stimulate the performance of administative performance. Governmental agencies wish to win this award in general. The existing studies on “Government Service Quality Award” has rarely focused on the relationship between the award’s recipient and the leadership style in the recipient unit. This thesis aims to take on this task. It compares and analyzes cases across various recipients of the “Government Service Quality Award,” and distinguishs three types of leadership – “transactional leadership style,” “charismatic leadership style” and “transformative leadership style.” With in-depth interviews, the study considers that the “transactional leadership style” can be further divided into “established regulatory style” and “beyond-regulatory style”, which is an innovative contribution to the existing literature. The second contribution of this study is that the “beyond-regulatory style” relates more to the “transformative leadership style,” which is more present in those award-winning organizations. Generally speaking, most of the awarded organizations possess the “transforming leadership style” and the “beyond-regulatory” under the “transactional leadership style.” In comparison, those that lost in the award competition mostly possess the traditional “transactional leadership style”, and more often failed to convert themselves to adopt the “charismatic leadership style,” thus they do not belong to the “transforming leadership style.” The study also informs researchers of the fact that multiple factors are involoved in the evaluation process of the “Government Service Quality Award.” Successfully earning the award requires many factors such as sufficient amount of institutional resources of the candidates, attention from their respective supervising organizations, employee participation, the organizational specialties, inter alia, whereas leadership style is one of the key conditions. Nevertheless, this study is limited to the comparsion of four cases. A possible direction of future research would be to expanding the sample size in order to investigate the leadership style prevalent in the awarded organizations, to examine causal relationships, and to contribute to the literature on the subject. |
目次 Table of Contents |
目 錄 論文審定書i 誌謝ii 中文摘要iii 英文摘要iv 第一章 導論1 第一節 研究動機及目的1 第二節 研究範圍及限制4 第三節 我國「政府服務品質獎」背景及現況5 第四節 研究流程及章節安排9 第二章 文獻回顧及理論架構11 第一節 相關文獻回顧11 第二節 領導風格理論架構18 第三章 研究設計及方法27 第一節 研究架構及假設27 第二節 研究方法28 第三節 比較之案例背景說明33 第四章 案例領導風格比較分析37 第一節 得獎機關領導風格分析37 第二節 未得獎機關領導風格分析50 第三節 得獎與未得獎機關領導風格比較62 第五章 結論與建議63 第一節 研究發現63 第二節 後續研究建議65 參考文獻66 附錄69 圖次 圖1-1 研究流程圖9 圖3-1 研究架構圖27 表次 表1-1 第八屆政府服務品質獎評核標準表(1) 6 表1-2 第八屆政府服務品質獎評核標準表(2) 7 表2-1 領導理論相關論文文獻11 表2-2 「政府服務品質獎」相關論文文獻15 表2-3 魅力型、交易型及轉換型領導各項指標彙整表26 表3-1 訪談對象名單31 表3-2 訪談題綱31 表4-1 得獎機關領導風格分析表48 表4-2 未得獎機關領導風格分析表60 表4-3 得獎與未得獎機關領導風格比較表62 |
參考文獻 References |
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