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論文名稱 Title |
使用VAA對大學生投票參與意願之影響:以iVoter為對象的實驗研究 Use of VAA and Undergraduates' Willingness of Vote : An Experimental Study with iVoter |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
90 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2018-08-07 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2018-09-03 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
政治興趣、資訊形式、實驗研究、投票意願、Voting advice applications Political interest, Voting advice applications, Information form, Experiment research, Voting intention |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5875 次,被下載 167 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5875 times, has been downloaded 167 times. |
中文摘要 |
VAA,全名為Voting Advice Application,是一種投票諮詢系統,專門替選民向政黨或候選人蒐集資訊,並提供投票建議的網站,隨著資訊技術演進,網路的便利性使其成為主要的資訊流通管道,政黨或候選人爭相在網路上尋求曝光,連帶影響選民上網尋求投票相關的資訊,這也使得VAA成為新的研究課題。然而過往多數的相關研究,都是以問卷調查的方式來進行,在變數控制上可能不夠精確,且這些研究多數是以政治參與的相關理論來進行分析,對於VAA所提供的資訊形式並未細究。 本研究以台灣自行研發的VAA網站:iVoter為案例,透過實驗研究法中的「隨機化實驗控制組後測設計(Randomized control-group posttest design)」,以實驗設計的方式觀察三組受測者接收VAA提供的不同資訊形式之後,在投票意願、政治興趣及資訊蒐集習慣上是否有不同的反應。並嘗試以資訊理論的角度來解釋VAA如何作用,提出所謂「問題解決導向資訊」的概念,來分析哪一種資訊形式才是真正對使用者有影響的。研究結果發現:其一,在實驗組1中使用VAA接收到問題解決導向資訊的受測者,滿足了其在投票決策上的需求,故投票意願會高於其兩組。其二,但也因為VAA提供的資訊有其目的上的侷限,故雖然受測者接收問題解決導向資訊,但實驗組1的政治興趣卻非最高。其三,在資訊蒐集習慣上,實驗組1由於接受了最完整的問題解決導向資訊,所以未來繼續使用VAA做為投票參考依據的意願也最高。 關鍵字: Voting advice applications、投票意願、實驗研究、資訊形式、政治興趣 |
Abstract |
Voting advice application (VAA) is a kind of system that can help voters making decision in elections. VAA also collects the information of parties and candidates then organize it and supply it to users on internet. However, in the last decade, the research method of most of VAA researches is questionnaire or survey. And theses researches usually adopt the theories about political participation to explain the effect of VAA. In this research, the main case we analysis is iVoter which was developed by Taiwan independently in 2010. We through the experiment research: randomized control-group posttest design, divide subjects into three groups and supply them different information. Then we will observe their reaction to test the effect of VAA. We also adopt the information theories and propose the new concept: problem-solving oriented information. There are three research findings in this research. First, the experimental group 1 which received the problem-solving oriented information has strong willingness to vote in election in 2018 and 2020. Second, the political interest of experimental group 1 is lower than other two groups. Final, experimental group 1 has strong willingness to keep using VAA as the advisor in the future. Keywords: Voting advice applications, Voting intention, Experiment research, Information form, Political interest |
目次 Table of Contents |
第一章 緒論..........................................................................1 第一節 研究動機與背景...................................................................................1 第二節 研究目的...............................................................................................4 第三節 章節安排...............................................................................................5 第二章 文獻回顧..................................................................7 第一節 VAA的發展與介紹.............................................................................7 第二節 VAA研究整理.....................................................................................10 第三節 投票意願與資訊形式..........................................................................14 第四節 研究假設..............................................................................................18 第三章 研究設計................................................................21 第一節 實驗研究法與研究設計......................................................................21 第二節 研究限制..............................................................................................30 第四章 實驗結果分析........................................................32 第一節 資訊形式與投票意願..........................................................................39 第二節 資訊形式與政治興趣..........................................................................52 第三節 資訊形式與資訊蒐集習慣..................................................................56 第五章 結論........................................................................59 第一節 研究發現..............................................................................................59 第二節 研究檢討..............................................................................................65 參考文獻...............................................................................68 中文部分..................................................................................................................68 英文部分..................................................................................................................69 網路資料..................................................................................................................74 附錄.......................................................................................75 附錄一:施測前指導語............................................................................................75 附錄二:施測紙本問卷............................................................................................76 |
參考文獻 References |
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