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博碩士論文 etd-0728120-104849 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0728120-104849
Application of Machine Learning in Behavior Finance and Trading Strategy in Taiwan Stock Market
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Machine Learning, Investor Sentiment, Behavioral Finance, Institutional Investors, Taiwan Stock Market
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研究採用結合極限梯度提升樹 (XGBOOST) 演算法結合行為財務特徵變數分別建
在透過行為財務變數與 XGBoost 演算法模型所建構出的策略,於 2017 年至
2020 年 3 月底的報酬率可達到約 70%,年化報酬率 22%,並幾乎於全回測期間
This paper attempts to construct a weekly stock trading strategy for Taiwan stocks from
the perspective of behavioral finance. Considering that behavior biases are too difficult to
be quantified and the complex impact of market psychology on price-volume information,
this paper uses eXtreme Gradient Boosting algorithm combines behavioral financial
characteristic variables to construct two models : a regression tree model that predicts the
future five-day return and a classification tree model that predicts the future five-day
probability of stock prices rising, to construct a stock selection model for application to the
Taiwan stock market.
The strategy constructed through behavioral financial variables and the eXtreme
Gradient Boosting algorithm model can achieve a return rate of about 70% from 2017 to the
end of March 2020, an annualized return rate of 22%. This performance beats market
benchmarks almost in the full period.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Literature Review 3
Chapter 3. Methodology 15
3.1 Experimental Structure 15
3.2 Data Collection and Features Construction 17
3.3 Model Features 20
3.4 Model Architecture 40
Chapter 4. Empirical Results 53
4.1 Model sensitivity analysis 54
4.2 Model Architecture Backtesting Performance 58
Chapter 5. Conclusion and Suggestions 63
5.1 Conclusion 63
5.2 Suggestion 64
Reference 65
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