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博碩士論文 etd-0727120-090654 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0727120-090654
Host risk assessment platform based on DWT and profile analysis
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Date of Exam
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Risk Assessment, Random Forest, Discover Wavelet Transform, Event Analysis System, Profiling analysis, Cloud Computing
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Enterprises face the sophisticated and varued methods of attack by hacker orginations and must continue to strengthen the defense equipment to protect enterprises from hackers. The scope of defense of rhe equipment of the security protection also extends to the application layer, and most of the equipment of the current security function uses feature rules to defense known attacks,but for the complex and variable new unknown attacks, information security equipment based on feature rules conparision cannot effectively block and intercept for order to detect attack enterprise hosts in a new stats,the threat to host attacks is identified by analyzing heterogeneous log files and consolidating them using analytics assocations. Faced with the increase of a variety of single security equipment, the amount of log file data to be analyzed also increased, which will be difficult and complex to write to the host on the side and consolidate the collection of different log files formats in order to find the record of the attack.
In order to detect the new state of hacking of enterprise, this study used to observe the behavior of the server network to find out the behavior of abnormal behavior on weekdays, with the aim of detecting passible attack behavior. This study models the network behavior of the server in the form of profile model the 17 different characteristic behavior of the side-writing host,establishs the network behavior model of the server by DWT and self-built mathematical equations,and finally finds the warning of abormal network behavior through the random order to identify the network behavior of server anomails,the comparison of normal behavior and abormal behavior must be analyxed by a large number of heterogeneous log files. The cloud collection and analysis platform of this research log files is based on distributed cloud as the architecture, and the equipment records are used to collect and transmit the real-time streaming mechanism, with the aim of improving the reliability of the system and the efficiency of analysis.
This study integrates Spark’s computing environment, which has the advantages of supporting in-momory computing and distributed operating, can quickly analysis with machine learning prediction mechanism through a distributed architecture in the cloud to achieve early warning and identify new state attacks on enterprise servers.
Experimental results show that this study suggests that the detection system can alert the server threat to an unknown attack earlier than the existing equipment or SOC.Enterprise orginations can use the system issued by server detection alert, more to provide their organization information security personnel to detect the threat of a possible server attack and prevent the event of blocking capital, in order to reduce the economic or reputational damage caused by the capital security incident.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖次 viii
第1章 序論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
第2章 文獻探討 5
2-1. 伺服器攻擊方式 5
2.1.1 SMB服務攻擊 5
2.1.2 遠端桌面網路服務攻擊 6
2.1.3 挖礦惡意程式攻擊 6
2.1.4 目標式攻擊 7
2.1.5 供應鏈攻擊 9
2-2. 基於側寫的異常偵測(Profile based anomaly detection) 9
2-3. 離散小波變換 10
2-4. 隨機森林 11
2-5. 風險管理 13
第3章 研究方法 16
3.1. 系統架構 16
3.2. 側寫特徵模型 17
3.3. 特徵行為轉換2D-DWT模式 31
3.4. 伺服器定量風險之計算模式 33
3.5. 特徵風險總值結合定量風險值計算 40
3.6. 隨機森林建模預測模型 41
3.7. SMOTE 樣本合成 42
第4章 系統評估與實驗結果 43
4.1. 系統規格說明 43
4.2. 實驗環境伺服器類型 44
4.3. 實驗 一:進行資料處理壓縮處理效率比較 46
4.4. 實驗二:內部伺服器互聯參數實驗 47
4.5. 實驗三:特徵門檻值計算 47
4.5.1 連線高風險網站門檻值計算 48
4.5.2 C&C連線數門檻值計算 49
4.6. 實驗四:偵測模型成效 49
4.6.1 隨機森林實驗 50
4.6.2決策樹: 50
4.6.3. SVM 51
4.7. 實驗:SMOTE 平衡資料實驗 52
4.7.1 隨機森林、決策樹、SVM SMOTE 與未做 SMOTE 的比較 52
4.8. 實驗六:有無增加資產風險值系統比較 53
4.8.1 DWT+隨機森林:實驗一 53
4.8.2 DWT+風險值+隨機森林:實驗二 54
4.9. 實驗七未經處理紀錄實驗 55
4.9.1 未經處理紀錄交由隨機森林、決策樹、SVM預測結果 55
4.9.2資料經由DWT與未經處理raw data比較 56
第5章 資安案例探討與分析 57
5.1本研究系統與現行偵測系統比較 57
5.1.1 矩陣計算三種偵測模式評價算法與偵測精確度的結果 59
5.1.2偵測 APT重大攻擊事件比較 59
5.1.3偵測 Ransomware重大攻擊事件比較 60
5.2本研究偵測系統與複迴歸建立側寫模型偵測模型之比較 61
5.3本研究以偵測到重大攻擊案例說明預測成效 62
5.4法規遵循性改善前後分析實驗 69
5.4.1法規應辦事項之差異: 69
5.4.2研究系統與既有攻擊偵測系統實驗區間驗證 70
5.4.3實驗一與實驗二攻擊種類分析 71
第六章 結論與未來展望 75
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