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博碩士論文 etd-0720119-031120 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0720119-031120
擴增實境應用在迪拜酒店業的廣告項目:以迪拜 Rove Hotels 為例
A barrier or a booster? Apply Augmented Reality to hospitality advertisement in Dubai. Take Rove Hotels for example.
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Date of Exam
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Media Richness, User Experience, Digital Advertisement, Augmented Reality, Marketing Effectiveness
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5812 times, has been downloaded 10 times.
本研究選擇了杜拜Emaar Hospitality Group酒店集團的當地三星級酒店品牌Rove Hotels來設計實驗,並收集了123份問券調查使用者經驗,作為擴增實境廣告體驗的回饋。本研究採用SPSS驗證假說,使用者的廣告態度對行銷效果存在著正面影響。再者,擴增實境技術在使用者對於廣告態度與行銷營銷效果之間的關係中,存在調節作用。結果也反映了正向的用戶體驗在擴增實境技術的支持下將會產生較高的購買意願及社交媒體平台上口口相傳之成果,相關管理實務意涵亦於文末討論。
This professional thesis main objective was to analyze the potential benefits of applying augmented reality to the mobile advertisement for the hospitality sector in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Applying augmented reality technology to the hotel advertisement on mobile phones is where people can have the experience easily. The potential benefits described here as a better user experience and an increase in marketing effectiveness.
This study chooses Rove Hotels, a local 3-star hotel brand belongs to Emaar Hospitality Group, to design the experiments and gathered 123 participants to report their experience in the survey. This study used a quantitative method with SPSS statistical analysis to examine the user experience and marketing effectiveness of the augmented reality advertisement. Finally, this research verified the hypothesis with the results of augmented reality technology plays a moderator to the relationship between attitude towards advertisement to marketing effectiveness. These results also provided implications to the marketing professionals in Dubai that positive user experience has yield positive outcomes to purchase intention and social media engagement with the help of augmented reality technology.
目次 Table of Contents
國立中山大學研究生學位論文審定書 i
中文摘要 iii
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
About Rove Hotels 3
1.2 Research Question 5
1.3 Objectives of the Research 6
2.1 Augmented Reality 8
2.1.1 What is augmented reality (AR) 8
2.1.2 Augmented reality marketing 9
2.1.3 Digital marketing in Dubai hospitality and tourism sector 11
2.2 Attitude Toward Advertisement 12
2.2.1 Emotions 13
2.2.2 Engagement 14
2.3 Media Richness 15
2.4 Marketing Effectiveness 17
2.4.1 Social media engagement 18
2.4.2 Purchase intention 19
3.1 Research Framework 21
3.2 Survey Design 22
3.2.1 Sample and procedure 23
3.2.2 Measurement 25
3.3 Data Analysis 28
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 30
4.2 Correlations 32
4.3 Results Analysis 33
4.3.1 Hypotheses testing 34
4.3.2 Research findings 36
5.1 Discussion 37
5.2 Research Contributions 38
5.3 Research Limitations 39
5.4 Future Research 40
Reference 42
Appendix 48
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