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Title page for etd-0718120-154534
The relationship among motivation training to transfer, job satisfaction and organizational commitment: an example of case textbook company to competency based courses.
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Competency-based courses, Editorial staff, Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment, Motivation of training transfer
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個案教科書公司已辦理職能導向課程(Competency-based courses)三年,期待探討教育訓練的成效能符合編輯人員(Editorial staff)的工作滿足(Job satisfaction)與組織承諾(Organizational commitment)。其中訓練遷移動機可做為探討方向。訓練遷移動機(Motivation of training transfer)是學習者在工作上使用在訓練中所學習到的知識與技能的意願,並受到個人對於使用新知識或技能的信心,以及增進工作績效等影響(Noe,1986)。編輯人員做為教科書設計與發展的重要角色,是承接編撰作者的成書工作是企劃教科書相關教學資源的執行者。職能導向課程是以專業職能為起點,以使編輯人員經過職能導向課程後,能產出具商品競爭力的讓教科書。本研究以個案教科書公司之編輯人員職能導向課程,探討訓練動機遷移對編輯人員的工作滿足與組織承諾的互動關係。本研究採用質化研究法進行描述性研究,透過訪談與文件資料搜集等方法,以獲取本研究所需的資料。並以個案教科書公司中,通過職能導向課程的編輯人員為研究對象。
The case textbook company has been offering Competency-based courses for three years, and is looking forward to discussing the effectiveness of education and training that can meet the Job satisfaction and Organizational commitment of the editorial staff. Among them, motivation of training transfer can be used as the direction of discussion. Motivation of training transfer is the learner’s willingness to use the knowledge and a skill learned in training at work, and is affected by personal confidence in the use of new knowledge or skills, and the improvement of work performance (Noe, 1986). Editors, as an important role in the design and development of textbooks, are to undertake the book-making work of editors and implementers who plan textbook-related teaching resources. Competency - based courses are based on professional competency s, so that editors can produce textbooks with product competitiveness after undergoing competency - based courses. This study uses the editorial staff competency -oriented course of a case textbook company to explore the interactive relationship between the transfer of training motivation to the editor’s job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This research uses qualitative research methods to conduct descriptive research, and obtains the information needed for this research through interviews and document collection. And take the editors who pass the competency - based courses in the case textbook company as the research object.
The case textbook company in this study develops competency - based courses on a competency basis, and uses the ADDIE systematic instructional design model to carry out training planning and evaluation. Including Editing process, Professional proofreading and Edit planning and other competency - based courses, in order to construct and develop an editing talent training system. The research conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) Motivation of training transfer can affect internal satisfaction in "behavior changes and post-training results"; motivation of training transfer can affect external satisfaction in "post-training results". (2) Motivation of training transfer can affect emotional commitment in the "post-training result". Motivation of training transfer can affect normative commitment in "behavior change and post-training results". (3) The company is established and continuously improved in an annual manner, and gradually establishes a standardized training operation process or related methods to achieve the intention of high-level supervisors and the company's operational goals.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research purposes and questions 3
1.2.1 Research purposes 4
1.2.2 Research questions 4
1.3 Research process and delimitations 4
1.3.1 Research process 4
1.3.2 Research limitations 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Editorial staff and competency - based courses 7
2.1.1 Editorial staff and editing workflow 7
2.1.2 From workflow to competency - based courses 8
2.1.3 The four-level evaluation model of competency - based courses 15
2.2 Motivation of training transfer 18
2.2.1 Motivation of training transfer 19
2.2.2 How to measure motivation of training transfer 22
2.3 Job satisfaction and organizational commitment 24
2.3.1 Job satisfaction 24
2.3.2 Organizational commitment 26
Chapter 3 Research Method 29
3.1 Research structure 29
3.1.1 Research structure 29
3.1.2 Research hypothesis 30
3.2 Operational definition of research dimensions 31
3.2.1 Motivation of training transfer to competency - based courses 31
3.2.2 Job satisfaction 33
3.2.3 Organizational commitment 34
3.3 Research method 35
3.3.1 Qualitative research 36
3.3.2 In-Depth Interview 38
3.3.3 Content analysis 39
Chapter 4 Analysis and Findings 41
4.1 Introduction of the case textbook company 41
4.1.1 Talent development system 41
4.1.2 Training planning and assessment 44
4.2 Interview collation and analysis 48
4.2.1 Background information of interviewees 48
4.2.2 Interview content analysis 50
4.3 Research findings 54
4.3.1 The interactive relationship between motivation of training transfer to competency - based courses and job satisfaction 54
4.3.2 The interactive relationship between motivation of training transfer to competency - based courses and organizational commitment 57
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion 60
5.1 Conclusion 60
5.1.1 The impact to motivation of training transfer on job satisfaction 60
5.1.2 The impact to motivation of training transfer on organizational commitment 61
5.2 Suggestions 62
5.2.1 Continuous improvement 62
5.2.2 Suggestions 63
Reference 65
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