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博碩士論文 etd-0717119-163446 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0717119-163446
Detecting Metamorphic Malware based on Machine Learning
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metamorphic malware, static detection, PE headers, machine learning
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隨著網際網路的盛行,Windows平台上的惡意軟體日益漸增,根據McAfee Labs的分析報告顯示,目前惡意軟體使用規避偵測手法的案例也逐漸增加,各種不同的規避手法,包括混淆化(Obfuscation)、加殼等手法都會影響到防毒軟體或偵測系統的準確度。
惡意軟體透過混淆化得以抹除自身的特徵,又因混淆化程度不同,可以分為寡型惡意軟體、多型惡意軟體、與變形惡意軟體,其中變形惡意軟體的混淆化程度最高,會使用多種混淆化手法,如Junk Code Insertion、Register Reassignment等手法,進一步提高規避偵測的機率,這使得資安人員需耗費更多時間進行分析,分析也很大程度仰賴資安人員的經驗,因此一套有效快速的變形惡意軟體偵測系統是有必要的。
With the prevalence of the Internet, the number of malware in the Windows platform is growing. According to the McAfee Labs’ analysis report, the cases of malware using evasive techniques has also increased. Many kinds of evasive techniques, including obfuscation and packing, affect the detection accuracy for the anti-virus and other detection systems.
Malware can wipe out its own signatures with the help of obfuscation. Due to the different level of obfuscation, obfuscated malware can be categorized into oligomorphic, polymorphic and metamorphic malware. Among all, the level of obfuscation for metamorphic malware is the highest, and it combines multiple obfuscation techniques, like Junk Code Insertion and Register Reassignment, to evade detections. This requires security analysts to consume more time to analyze these samples, and malware analysis also heavily relies on the experiences from the analysts themselves. Thus, a fast and effective system for detecting metamorphic malware is necessary.
This study summarizes all of previous works and proposes an automatic detection system for metamorphic malware. It uses PE headers and opcodes as features to perform static detection, and trains respectively 2 models with multiple machine learning algorithms. With the 2-phase detection models, it improves in false positive rate. Besides, the proposed method is compared with other common ones, and it shows a high detection, low false positive rate.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1. 混淆化惡意軟體分類 6
2.2. 變形惡意軟體混淆化手法 7
2.3. 變形惡意軟體偵測 11
2.3.1. 分類器 11
2.3.2. 相似度(Similarity) 17
2.4. 惡意軟體偵測 20
2.4.1. CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) 20
2.5. PE格式 21
第三章 研究方法 23
3.1. PE解析模組 25
3.2. 惡意軟體偵測模組 25
3.2.1. PE標頭特徵 25
3.2.2. PE標頭特徵預處理 27
3.2.3. 惡意軟體偵測模型 32
3.3. 變形惡意軟體偵測模組 32
3.3.1. PE操作碼特徵 33
3.3.2. TF-IDF 33
3.3.3. 變形惡意軟體偵測模型 33
第四章 系統評估 35
4.1. 實驗一:本研究系統驗證 36
4.1.1. 實驗環境 36
4.1.2. 樣本來源 37
4.1.3. PE解析模組 38
4.1.4. 惡意軟體偵測模組實驗結果 39
4.1.5. 變形惡意軟體偵測模組實驗結果 40
4.1.6. 整合系統 41
4.2. 實驗二:VirusTotal 42
4.3. 實驗三:N-gram 42
4.4. 實驗四:隱馬可夫模型 44
4.5. 實驗五:操作碼流程圖 47
4.6. 實驗六:CNN 49
4.7. 小結 51
第五章 研究貢獻與未來展望 52
參考資料 53
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