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博碩士論文 etd-0701118-114945 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0701118-114945
Organizations and Norms of International Coffee Regime
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
International Regime, FLO, SCAA, UTZ, International Coffee Agreement, ICA, International Coffee Organization, ICO, Coffee industry
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This paper mainly discusses the formation and the change of international regime in the global coffee industry. The study base on analyzing the six important organizations and the institutions (or rules) in the coffee industry (an international organization: ICO, two producer organizations: ECX and as FNC, a consumer association: SCAA and two certification organizations: FLO and UTZ).
There are two major finding in the study. First, the study found that the formation of the international coffee regime is result from the actors in the system who are seeking for cooperation to pursue its own interests. However, the characteristics of international coffee regime may alther through times, the effect is intervene by the new actors (ECX, FNC, SCAA, FLO and UTZ) and their norms. There are three main periods according to different actor involved in the timeline to explain the reasons that the international coffee regime formed and how it changed. The characteristics of the coffee regime is initially as neo-realism, and turn to neo-liberalism.
Second, the main factor that constrain the coffee producers, is not only because of the international coffee regime, but also because of the commodity features of coffee itself.
目次 Table of Contents
[誌 謝+ii]
[摘 要+iii]
[第一章 緒論+1]
[第一節 研究動機與目的+1]
[第二節 文獻回顧+4]
[第三節 研究方法與研究理論+11]
[第四節 研究範圍與研究限制+16]
[第五節 章節安排與研究架構+17]
[第二章 咖啡的歷史與產業發展+20]
[第一節 咖啡的歷史與貿易發展+20]
[第二節 咖啡市場概況與產業型態+32]
[第三節 咖啡農的困境+43]
[第三章 國際咖啡組織的發展與運作+54]
[第一節 國際咖啡組織+54]
[第二節 國際咖啡協議+66]
[第三節 國際咖啡組織的成員國角色+74]
[第四節 國際咖啡組織與國際石油出口組織+77]
[第四章 國際咖啡建制中的其他組織與規範+80]
[第一節 生產國的官方機構及咖啡農民組織+80]
[第二節 美國精品咖啡協會+90]
[第三節 咖啡認證機構+96]
[第四節 國際咖啡組織與其他咖啡組織的互動關係+110]
[第五章 結 論+115]
[第一節 研究發現+115]
[第二節 研究建議與展望+123]
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