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論文名稱 Title |
應用歷史事件與深度訪談法檢視企業之發展與洞見:以某一遊艇公司為例 An Application of the Historical Events and In-depth Interview Approaches to Identify the Business Developments and Insights in a Yachting Company |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
105 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-05-31 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2019-07-29 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
深度訪談、企業發展、歷史事件法、休閒遊艇、經營哲學、品牌 Business Insights, In-Depth Interview, Business Mindset, Historical Events, Brand, Pleasure Yacht |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5826 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5826 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
Fleming Yachts 公司自 1985 年由Tony Fleming創立至今已34個年頭,其經營之路並非一帆風順。跟其他企業一樣,該公司一路走來有令人稱讚的成功、也有讓人唏噓的失敗;一家企業如何在激烈的國際競爭環境下突圍,其經營歷程有甚多值得探討之處。 本研究藉由蒐集、參閱大量的文件與網路資訊,以及多面向的訪談,來回顧、整理Fleming Yachts 34年來的發展脈絡,期望釐清該公司過去的成功經驗、目前面對的問題,以及未來的發展之道。更明確地說,本研究利用歷史事件(historical events)分析法與深度訪談(in-depth interview)法,來了解該公司的經營哲學與模式,深入分析與公司密切相關的經營者、代理商及船主對公司的看法與建議,從中歸納出關鍵的智慧與洞見,藉此釐清此一企業的關鍵成功因素(Key Success Factor, KSF)。 最後,本研究也對Fleming Yachts未來發展可能面臨的問題作一論述,並提供可行的研究方向。 當然,故事還沒結束,期待本研究有助於Fleming Yachts保有初衷,永續經營。 |
Abstract |
Fleming Yachts has been in business for 34 years, it was founded in 1985 by Tony Fleming. The company's business path has not always been easy and smooth. Like other successful companies, there are amazing successes and frustrating challenges along the way. A successful enterprise, in the international competitive environment, its operating strength is worth studying and emulating. This study begins with a review of Fleming Yachts' 34-year history to understand how this company operates. The process collects a large number of documents and information, and tries to present a comprehensive history of Fleming Yachts, with a view to helping the reader understand this yacht company. More specifically, this study use historical events (Historical Events) analysis, and in-depth interview (In-Depth Interview) method, to explore the company’s business philosophy and model, to gain insight into the company by persons closely related to the company, including agents, and customers who have valuable feedback to summarize the key factors for a company's success (Key Success Factor, KSF). At the end of the study, Fleming Yachts' future development and problems are also discussed, and suggestions for future research directions are also provided. Of course, the story is not over yet, and Fleming Yachts is expected to continue to operate and maintain its original intentions. |
目次 Table of Contents |
Table of Contents Thesis Validation Letter i Acknowledgements ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv Table of Contents v Table of Figures vii Table of Tables viii Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Research Purpose 2 1.3 Research Scope 3 Chapter 2. Yachting Market Overview 4 2.1 Global Yachting Market 4 2.1.1 Global Market Overview 5 2.1.2 Key Market 6 2.1.3 Expected Market Growth 7 2.2 Yachting Market in Taiwan 9 2.2.1 Historical Market Data in Taiwan 10 2.2.2 Market Growth in Taiwan 12 2.2.3 Importance of Yachting in Taiwan’s Economy 13 2.3 Market Segmentation 15 2.3.1 Product in the Market 15 2.3.2 Customer Segmentation 17 2.3.3 Target Market 19 2.3.4 Market Positioning 21 Chapter 3. Literature Review 23 3.1 Key Success Factors 24 3.2 Ansoff Matrix 26 3.3 In-Depth Interviews 28 Chapter 4. Research Method 30 4.1 Research Target 31 4.1.1 Company overview 32 4.1.2 Company history 32 4.2 Research Method and Data Collection 46 4.2.1 Desktop Research 46 4.2.2 In-depth Interviews 47 Chapter 5. Research Findings 52 5.1 Confronting Inevitable Challenges 52 5.2 Importance of Core Strategy 54 5.3 The Key Role of Diversification 56 5.4 Historical Events Approach 58 5.4.1 Historical Event 1: 2006 Transition – How to teach an old dog a new trick? 58 5.4.2 Historical Event 2: 2008 The Global Financial Crisis 62 5.4.3 Historical Event 3: 2009 A Good Lesson on Investment – Corvette Motoryacht 63 Chapter 6. Discussion and Conclusion 66 6.1 Summary of Research Findings 66 6.2 Implications 67 6.3 Limitations and Future Directions 68 Reference 69 Appendix 72 • Award 72 • Interview Detail 73 |
參考文獻 References |
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