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Title page for etd-0628119-183251
The relationship between career planning and turnover intention-take career plateau and risk-taking propensity as moderating roles.
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career planning, career plateau, risk-taking propensity, turnover intention, age
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Changes in labor market require people to make a more complete career planning if they want to succeed in their future career. This study was conducted to analyze the relationship between career planning and turnover intention, and the possible outcomes when we consider career plateau and risk-taking propensity as moderators on the main effect. We use survey method to collect the questionnaires from individuals with four years of work experience and above to be our samples.
In support of our hypothesis, career planning is negatively correlated with turnover intention, and career plateau is a moderator which mitigates the main effect. Risk-taking propensity was assumed to be another moderator which also mitigates the main effect, while this hypothesis is not supported. Besides, when we consider both career plateau and risk-taking propensity as moderators towards the main effect, the two moderators actually strengthen the main effect. The link between career planning and turnover intention was independent of risk-taking propensity and it will be mitigated by career plateau. Lastly, implications for career plateau and turnover intention will be discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
1. Introduction 1
1-1. Research Background 1
1-2. Research Motivation 3
1-3. Research Objectives 5
2. Literature Review 9
2-1. Career 9
2-2. Career Planning 9
2-3. Career Plateau 10
2-4. Awareness of career plateau 15
2-5. Risk-taking propensity 16
2-6. Turnover intention 19
2-7. Career Planning and Turnover Intention 20
2-8. Career Plateau and Turnover Intention 22
2-9. Risk-taking propensity and Turnover Intention 23
2-10. Hypotheses and Research framework 23
3. Methodology 25
3-1. Sampling method and survey 25
3-2. Scales 25
4. Results 29
4-1. Descriptive Statistics of the samples 29
4-2. Correlation of the variables 32
4-3. Control variables 33
4-4. Regression analysis 36
5. Discussion 50
5-1. Limitation and Future suggestions 50
5-2. Management implication 53
6. Conclusion 57
7. References 58
8. Appendix 66
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