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論文名稱 Title |
台商投資越南的地點選擇:結合量化與質性方法的初步研究 The location Decision of Taiwanese Investment in Vietnam: A Preliminary Study Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
57 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-07-19 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2019-07-25 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
深度訪談、空間回歸、台灣對外投資、工業區、越南 spatial regression, in-depth interviews, Taiwanese outward investment, Industrial park, Vietnam |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5847 次,被下載 78 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5847 times, has been downloaded 78 times. |
中文摘要 |
本研究使用空間回歸模型來探討越南省份的哪些特徵會吸引台灣對其投資,並使用質性研究方法進一步探討量化分析結果中所發現的原因和邏輯。本研究發現,越南的工業園區是吸引台灣投資者赴該省分投資之最重要因素,且該現象似乎並非只受群聚效應影響。台灣在越南的投資者往往位於工業園區,因為越南的工業區可以提供更安全的投資環境,並且在工業區中的法規制定使以台灣中小企業為主的台商更有保障。 |
Abstract |
This study quantitatively explores which characteristics of Vietnamese provinces attract Taiwanese outward investment by a spatial autoregressive model. The author also uses a qualitative approach to further understand the logic behind my finding in the quantitative analysis. This study finds that industrial park is the most important factor to attract Taiwanese investors. Yet, it seems not come from only the agglomeration effect. In Vietnam, Taiwanese investment tends to locate in industrial parks, because the industrial park can provide a safer investment environment, where the regulations can make Taiwanese small and medium enterprises feel more guaranteed. |
目次 Table of Contents |
Table of Content 論文審定書 i 誌謝 ii 中文摘要(Chinese Abstract) iii English Abstract iv CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background Information 1 1.2 Research Aims 3 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 The determinants of the location of FDI in Vietnam 5 2.2 A History of Taiwan Economic Growth and Outward Investment 6 2.3 Taiwan FDI in Vietnam 10 CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY 12 3.1 Source of Information 12 3.2 Spatial Autoregressive Model 14 3.3 In-depth Interview 15 CHAPTER 4. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS RESULTS 17 4.1 Result of OLS regression 18 4.2 Result of spatial autoregressive model 21 CHAPTER 5. IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS RESULTS 26 5.1 Different type of industries makes different site selection 26 5.2 Some industries in the market may have reached saturation 26 5.3 The reasons caused Taiwan FDI gradually decreased in Vietnam 27 5.4 The reasons for Taiwan FDI to set the company in industrial park 28 5.5 The reasons for Taiwan FDI to set the company in specific province 29 5.6 Vietnam's industrial park preferential policies 30 CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSION 32 Reference 36 Appendix 39 Appendix 1.In-depth Interview Question (Interviewee A) 39 Appendix 2. In-depth Interview Question (Interviewee B) 41 Appendix 3. In-depth Interview Result (Interviewee A) 44 Appendix 4. In-depth Interview Result (Interviewee B) 47 Table Index Table 4-1 Variable descriptions and descriptive statistics 18 Table 4-2 Determinants of Taiwan/Non-Taiwan FDI project in each province 20 Table 4-3 Determinants of Taiwan/Non-Taiwan FDI value in each province 21 Table 4-4 Spatial autoregressive model result of Taiwan/Non-Taiwan FDI project in each province 24 Table 4-5 Spatial autoregressive model result of Taiwan/Non-Taiwan FDI amount in each province 25 |
參考文獻 References |
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