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Hedonic motive, Vigor, Snack, Self-control, Mood repair
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本研究擬以心情修復 (mood repair theory)與自我控制 (self-control theory)理論之觀點,探討員工在職場中吃點心的前因變數、中介機制、干擾效果與後果變數。本研究採經驗抽樣法,於兩週內連續施測10個工作天;每日共施測2次,分別
Based on the mood repair and self-control perspectives, we develop an integrative model that explored the antecedents, mechanisms, boundary conditions, and consequences of snacking at work. We collected daily data twice (i.e., the afternoon and evening surveys) for two weeks, resulting in 1,286 matched daily responses from 180 employees. The results of multilevel path analyses showed that: (a) daily activating negative moods increase unhealthy snacking at work via enhanced hedonic motive, and employees’ preference to eat palatable foods can strengthen such positive indirect effect; (b) although daily emotional job demands increase daily ego-depletion, the
depleted states did not predict healthy snacking at work; (c) daily unhealthy snacking increases employees’ subsequent positive moods, whereas healthy snacking increases their subsequent vigor.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
2.1 Healthy and Unhealthy Snacking at Work 4
2.2 Unhealthy Snacking as a Mood Repair Behavior: The Mood Repair Mechanism Linking Activating Negative Moods, Hedonic Motives, Unhealthy Snacking at Work, and Positive Moods after Snacking 7
2.3 The Moderating Role of Preference for Palatable Foods 9
2.4 Healthy Snacking as a Resource Replenishment Behavior: The Self-Control Mechanism Linking Daily Emotional Job Demands, Ego-depletion, Healthy Snacking at Work, and Vigor after Snacking 10
3.1 Sample 13
3.2 Procedure 14
3.3 Measures 15
3.4 Statistical Analyses 18
4.1 Measurement Model 20
4.2 Hypotheses Testing 21
4.3 Post-Hoc Analyses 25
5.1 Theoretical Implications 26
5.2 Limitations & Directions for Future Research 29
5.3 Practical Implications 30
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