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博碩士論文 etd-0615120-192416 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0615120-192416
Enhancing pregnant woman's interaction with BASSINET MOTHER and BABY CARE CENTER through social marketing:planning and implementation
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Marketing 3.0, Customer Experience Path Model, Content Marketing, Facebook Fan Pages, Social Media Marketing
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網際網路和社群媒體的極大地快速發展改變了人們的行為方式,特別是在傳播,分享、獲取資訊(例如疾病和健康教育相關資訊)等方面。根據台灣網路資訊中心的2019年台灣網路報告,台灣的社群網站的使用率有80%,其中使用率最高的是「Facebook」,使用率達到98.9%,其次是「Instagram」,使用率有38.8%,其餘社群平台的使用率皆不到10%。Rock Health(2019)的研究也指出,近5年民眾在接受醫療或護理相關服務之前,透過網路取得或追蹤相關醫療或護理資訊的比例,約提高了20%。因此,許多醫院利用社群媒體作為行銷工具,通過社群行銷增強患者對其醫療服務的看法。
(1) 為了有效推廣義大貝思諾,我們將整合Kotler et al., (2016)的5A顧客體驗路徑模式與IDEA內容行銷成功框架,還有過去系統化社群行銷策略所提供對貼文撰寫的原則,發展出一種行銷方法論。
(2) 使用本研究之行銷方法論,並搭配行銷3.0之原則開發行銷內容、表現形式、策略和活動以解決上述問題,並期望提高互動性。
The rapid growth of the Internets and social media have dramatically shaped the way people behave, especially in disseminating, sharing, and acquiring information (e.g., disease and health education related information). According to a survey from the Taiwan Network Information Center in 2019, it showed that about 80% of Taiwanese visits social networking sites, and 98% of them using Facebook. Same as the study of Rock Health(2019), they found the proportion of people searched the medical information before they got treatment had increased about 20% in 5 years. Thus, many hospitals utilize social media as a marketing tool to enhance patients' perceptions of their healthcare services through social marketing.
However, according to fan page interactive data from E-Da Bassinet, we find that the interaction between fans and Bassinet, in the part of comment, only 33% post had respond from fans. Based on our observation, a systematic methodology to identify the audience, create relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience with the social networking site is lacking. Therefore, the purposes of this project are as follows:
(1) In order to promote the effectively of E-Da Bassinet’s social networking site, this study integrates Kotler et al., (2016)’s 5A customer experience path model and the IDEA process for content marketing success, as well as the principles of post writing provided by the past systematic social marketing strategies to develop a marketing methodology.
(2) We implement the principles of marketing 3.0 associated with our methodology to develop marketing content, representation, strategies, and activities to address the aforementioned issues and expect to increase its interactivity.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與範圍 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 研究場域 4
第二節 行銷觀念 10
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 設計科學研究法 17
第二節 研究流程與步驟 19
第四章 設計發展解決方案 21
第一節 粉絲專頁貼文撰寫原則 21
第二節 整合5A顧客體驗路徑模式及IDEA內容行銷成功框架 24
第三節 5A顧客體驗路徑模式之各階段貼文要點 26
第五章 展示與評估解決方案 28
第一節 貝思諾之5A顧客體驗路徑模式各階段貼文要點 28
第二節 貼文設計展示 30
第三節 各階段驗證與討論 46
第六章 討論與結論 48
第一節 研究成果 48
第二節 研究貢獻 49
第七章 參考文獻 52
參考文獻 References
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