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Title page for etd-0512120-102901
The Relationships among Cognitive and Affective Responses Generated from Internet Celebrity Endorsement and Purchase Intention: Product Attitude as A Mediator
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affective responses, cognitive responses, internet celebrity endorsement, purchase intention, product attitude
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隨著科技進步,社群平台逐漸滲透人們的生活中,意見領袖之一的網路紅人的重要性逐漸提升。此研究主要針對台灣之網路紅人進行業配行為時,對於消費者所產生的認知反應與情感反應,利用產品態度為中介變數,觀察是否與購買意願有所關聯。本研究採取問卷量化方式進行,在填答問卷前必須先觀看一支業配影片後方可作答,共採集297份有效問卷。樣本蒐集後利用採取CFA與結構方程式進行分析,已確定測量題目間的關係與整體效度。研究結果指出:(1) 產品態度對於認知反應與購買意願的關係具有完全中介效果。(2) 產品態度對於情感反應與購買意願的關係具有部分中介效果。(3) 於情感反應中,其正向情感反應可直接預測產品態度與購買意願,且預測強度較認知反應高。根據研究結果,未來廠商在委託網路紅人進行業配時,除了要求業配內容的資訊豐富、正確性、可靠性之外,可更加重視其業配內容是否可使消費者產生情感連結,進而提升消費者的購買意願。
With the advanced development of technology, social media platforms gradually play an important role in people’s daily lives. The importance of internet celebrity has become more and more obvious. The main purpose of this study aims to understand how cognitive and affective responses generated from internet celebrity endorsement predict purchase intention via product attitude. Before doing the questionnaire, participants are asked to watch an internet celebrity endorsement video.There are 297 valid questionnaires collected in the study. Survey data are analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) in order to examine the relationships among the variables of interest. It was found that (1) product attitude fully mediates the relationship between cognitive responses from internet celebrity endorsement and purchase intention, (2) product attitude partially mediates the relationship between affective responses from internet celebrity endorsement and purchase intention, and (3) positive feelings of affective responses from internet celebrity endorsement can positively predict product attitude and purchase intention, and those positive feelings have a stronger predictive power than cognitive responses. Based on the findings, when asking for an internet celebrity endorsement, companies need not only to focus on the informativeness, accuracy, reliability of the endorsement, but emphasize more on the positive feelings of affective responses generated from the internet celebrity endorsement.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Content
Thesis/Dissertation Validation Letter i
Abstract (Chinese) ii
Abstract (English) iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The emerging power of internet celebrity endorsement 1
1.2 Attitude towards advertisements: cognitive and affective response 2
1.3 Purposes of the study 4
1.4 Contributions of the study 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 The role of internet celebrity 7
2.2 Internet celebrity endorsement 8
2.3 Responses of internet celebrity endorsement: cognitive & affective responses 10
2.4 Relationship between responses of internet celebrity endorsement and product attitude 12
2.5 Relationship among responses of internet celebrity endorsement, product attitude and purchase intention 15
Chapter 3 Research Method 19
3.1 Procedure 19
3.2 Participants 22
3.3 Data analysis 25
3.3.1 Measures 27
Chapter 4 Results 31
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 31
4.2 Group differences of variables 33
4.2.1 t-test 33
4.2.2 ANOVA 36
4.3 Correlation report 39
4.4 Structual equation modeling (SEM) 41
4.5 Hypothesis testing results 42
4.5.1 Results of cognitive responses & product attitude relationship 42
4.5.2 Results of affective responses & product attitude relationship 44
4.5.3 Results of cognitive responses & purchase intention relationship 45
4.5.4 Results of affective responses & purchase intention relationship 46
4.6 Mediating role of product attitude 47
Chapter 5 Discussion 52
5.1 General discussion 52
5.1.1 The relationship between cognitive responses from internet celebrity endorsement & purchase intention via product attitude 53
5.1.2 The relationship between affective responses from internet celebrity endorsement & purchase intention via product attitude 54
5.2 Implications 57
5.3 Limitations of the study ans suggestions for future research 58
References 60
Appendix 1-Chinese Questionnaire 64
Appendix 2-English Questionnaire 70
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