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A Spatial Study on David Harvey’s New Imperialism
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David Harvey, New Imperialism, Space, Accumulation by dispossession, territory logic of power, Capital logic of power, Historical- geographical materialism
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本論文探究大衛•哈維(David Harvey, 1935 – present)《新帝國主義》(New Imperialism)一書的空間與地理學意涵,論證其與過去帝國主義的不同,以及對於當代馬克思主義全球化研究之意義。
在方法學上,哈維的馬克思主義地理學途徑、空間辯證法與歷史-地理唯物主義,構成其空間化理論的框架。馬克思主義地理學代表著一種激進與革命的觀點,兼具批判性與啟示性的視角,對於空間中所隱含的社會關係與政治權力給予獨特的關注和理解。空間辯證法繼承自馬克思與列斐伏爾(Henri Lefevre, 1901 – 1991),以空間實踐、空間再現與再現空間為經,絕對空間、相對空間與關係空間為緯,交叉構成一種多重辯證的空間認識論。歷史-地理唯物主義則是哈維對歷史唯物主義的時代升級,將地理學與空間因素放進歷史的過程中同時加以審視。
This work deals with the spatial and geographical factors in David Harvey’s New Imperialism, identifies the difference between traditional imperialism and Harvey’s theory, and proves the academic meaning of New Imperialism in the Marxist globalization research.
The Imperialism in nineteenth century is generally regarded as a theory inherited from the idea of priority on history, emphasizing the viewpoints from the time and history, instead of the geography and space. Such a traditional kind of imperialism is fundamentally based on the priority on history in nature. On the other hand, the New Imperialism proposed by David Harvey (1935 – present) is a sort of spatial theory. The perspective of geography was innovatively brought into the New Imperialism by Harvey.
The Marxist’s geography theory, the spatial dialectics and the historical- geographical materialism are the three core methodologies of the space theory in the New Imperialism by Harvey. First, the Marxist’s geography theory reflects not only the radical and revolutionary spirit, but also the social relations and political power. Second, the spatial dialectics is inherited from Henri Lefevre (1901 – 1991). On the theoretical basis of Lefevre, Harvey added the absolute space, the relative space and the relational space in his theory to create a multiple-dialectical epistemology of space. Third, the historical-geographical materialism is derived from the traditional historical materialism by Harvey from which the geography and spatial factors were added.
The dynamics of New Imperialism come from the territory/capital logic of power. In addition, the new imperialism is further guided by the Neoliberalism, which provides political guidelines and endorsement so as to maximize the benefits to financial groups, the aristocratic class and the ruling elites through financialization and privatization. As a result, the Neoliberalism can make an unfair and unjustified condition worldwide. On the other hand, the “accumulation by dispossession” is the solution of over accumulation of capital in the new imperialism era, allowing a total invasion on all the domains such as our human body, the rivers and the mountains of our mother nature, the air, and even the universe. This comprehensively creates serious crises on the ethics, culture, resources and ecology. Moreover, the New Imperialism may also result in an uneven geographical development, i.e., a huge difference between the highly developed empires vs. the deprived under-developed region.
The major achievement derived form this work are: The significant”new” of New imperialism is rooted in spatial conception. Alone with the changes of mode of production in globalization era, Harvey not only updates traditional Marxism theoretically with space, but also provides the imperial research innovatively a spatial framework.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章、 緒論…………………………………………..........1
第一節、 問題意識與研究目的………………………..……1
第二節、 文獻回顧…………………………...………...……8
第三節、 研究策略、研究途徑與名詞界定…………..…..14
第四節、 章節安排…………………………………..……..21

第二章、 新帝國主義理論的背景………………………....27
第一節、 馬克思原典的帝國主義與空間概念……………27
第二節、 古典帝國主義理論…………………………..…..35
第三節、 社會科學研究的空間轉向…………………..…..41
第四節、 美國霸權與新帝國主義理論的提出……………51

第三章、 新帝國主義理論的方法學………………………57
第一節、 馬克思主義地理學…………………………..…..57
第二節、 空間辯證法…………………………………..…..67
第三節、 歷史-地理唯物主義………………………..…..79

第四章、 新帝國主義理論的主要內容………………..…..87
第一節、 領土邏輯與資本邏輯………………………..…..87
第二節、 新自由主義霸權與掠奪性積累……………....…98
第三節、 不平衡地理發展………..………………………111
第四節、 替代性方案……………………………...……..120

第五章、 結論………………………………………….…131

參考文獻 ………………………………………….………..…147
參考文獻 References

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