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論文名稱 Title |
台灣、韓國汽車工業政策比較 Comparative Study between Taiwan and Korea Automobile Industry Policy |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
138 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2017-02-23 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2017-03-24 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
汽車工業、產業政策、發展型國家理論、愛國心、韓國 Korea, Patriotism, Theory of Developmental State, Auto Industry, Industrial Policy |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 6155 次,被下載 144 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6155 times, has been downloaded 144 times. |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在比較台灣與韓國兩國汽車工業的發展,並試圖解釋何以兩國在相似的發展背景之下,在汽車工業的發展上卻出現極大的差距。本文會分別透過影響台灣與韓國汽車工業發展之國內外政治經濟因素,並且以裕隆汽車和現代汽車作為個案研究對象,去分析在整個大環境的時空背景影響之下,國家所制定的政策和企業的發展策略會對一國汽車工業造成什麼樣的影響。 嗣經本文的比較與分析後有如下的發現:受到整個大環境的影響,台灣和韓國在汽車工業上的政策明顯有所不同,台灣的政策對汽車廠的保護程度比韓國低,時間也比較短,經常在開放和保護之間猶疑不定。在自製率和新廠設立基準上也比韓國來的寬鬆,是以台灣汽車新廠所需面臨的阻礙較低,但這也造成台灣汽車工業集中程度低,不易獲取較大的市場力量。另外,由於韓國政府有意去扶植大企業以帶動國家整體經濟發展,在此策略之下讓韓國汽車廠的生產規模比台灣大得多,透過量產使成本降低再以低價銷售,使企業得以穩定成長且擁有足夠的資金精進關鍵性技術。韓國在結束保護之後,雖然關稅有所降低,但政府仍以諸多非關稅壁壘措施來保護本土汽車品牌,使進口車的業績依舊表現不佳。韓國汽車企業方面則以提升品質、售後服務以及各種宣傳行銷來打響品牌聲譽。而台灣在開放進口車後,汽車市場受到極大的威脅,也造成台灣各汽車廠之間的競爭壓力比韓國來的更大,無法累積更多資金用於技術研發上,也就讓台灣汽車企業僅能成為國際跨國分工體系中的一環。 |
Abstract |
The whole theme about this thesis mainly focuses on the comparison of the development of Taiwan and Korea automobile and tries to explain why the extreme gap between Taiwan and Korea automobile under the very similar development background. In order to analyze how the country’s automobile will become under the government’s policy and enterprise strategy, this thesis will examine through a variety of domestic and foreign factors which effect on these two countries, and also use Yulon and Hyundai to be study cases. Summarized below are findings from research studies that due to the overall situation the automobile policy between Taiwan and Korea are apparently different. The degree of protection policy, which Taiwan made it, was lower than Korea. In addition, the time of practicing this policy is shorter and always hesitates to choose open or protection. On local content rate and standards for the establishment of auto factory side, Taiwan was easier that there is lesser obstacle for Taiwan new auto factory. However, these policies caused Taiwan auto industry hard to concentrate so the market force was small naturally. Besides, due to the Korean government fostering the chaebol intentionally to use them to promote the growth of the nation’s economy, the scale of the auto enterprises in Korea is quite larger than that of Taiwan. So reducing cost by mass production and sell at low price will make the enterprise grow steadily with enough funds to up key techniques. After Korean government ended the protection on automobile and lowered its tariffs, they modified their strategies and set up non-tariff barrier to protect domestic auto industry. Besides, Korean auto enterprises are promoting brand awareness by increasing product quality, after-sales service, and marketing. However, there was a different situation in Taiwan after permitting the imported vehicles. Compared to the vehicle industry in Korea, Taiwan automotive market was under the greatest oppression and the extremely competitive pressure. Therefore, it’s difficult to improve research and development due to the failure of accumulating funds. The whole Taiwan auto industry only could become a part of the production process in global division. |
目次 Table of Contents |
第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 文獻回顧 3 第三節 研究方法 10 第四節 研究範圍與限制 12 第五節 章節安排 13 第二章 台灣與韓國汽車工業發展之演進 15 第一節 台灣 15 第二節 韓國 22 第三節 台灣、韓國汽車產銷情況 29 第三章 影響台、韓兩國汽車工業發展之因素 33 第一節 國內政經因素 33 第二節 國外政經因素 59 第三節 小結 67 第四章 台灣與韓國汽車企業的發展策略 70 第一節 台灣裕隆汽車 70 第二節 韓國現代汽車 87 第三節 小結 107 第五章 結論 111 第一節 研究發現 111 第二節 未來展望 117 參考文獻 122 |
參考文獻 References |
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