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博碩士論文 etd-0207113-020916 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0207113-020916
Revisiting the Disputes Among Locke's Theory of Political Obligation: From the Perspectives of Locke's Concept of Human Action
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
entrust politics, Reason, trust, relative autonomy, human action, political obligation, John Locke
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5861 times, has been downloaded 290 times.
This thesis aims to clarify the following questions of John Locke's theory of political obligation from the perspectives of his concept of human action. The following questions are: while obeying political obligation became a general human action in a liberal democracy politic, what is the reason that citizens should obey it? Self-preservation and the preservation of others is an important goal and reason for the construction of Locke's political society, how to understand this view of point through his concept of human action? Will it strengthen and conserving human's preservation? And how to understand the relationship between government and citizens when under a stable and trusted political society? Why is a trusted relationship between government and citizens helps sustaining a stable political order?
By going through late 30-years of disputes among Locke's theory of political obligation, this thesis started from the perspectives of Locke's concept of human action. Analyses how Locke's concept of human action support his unique theory of political obligation. To conclude that as sustaining a stable political order becomes the core intention for a political obligation theory, Locke's concept of human action will show that citizens obey political obligations is for the purpose of self-preservation and the preservation of others. Ended up living in a society of political commitments and consensus based on the concept of trust.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 文獻回顧 5
第三節 研究目的 15
第四節 研究方法 18
第二章 洛克的人類行動概念 19
第一節 洛克的人類行動概念 20
第一項 人類的相對自主性:從理性、判斷的能力及其限度談起 21
第二項 洛克論個人能力的自由程度 25
第二節 洛克政治義務理論之另解 29
第三節 人類行動與政治義務的連結:人類(社群)保存的目的 34
第三章 重訪洛克政治義務理論的爭論 39
第一節 義務的權威之爭 40
第二節 義務的道德根源之爭 46
第三節 契約實存之爭 55
第四章 洛克的信託政治 61
第一節 洛克政治社會狀態中的信託政治 61
第二節 洛克社群狀態中的信任關係 69
第三節 洛克自然狀態中的相互信任 74
第五章 結 論 79
參考文獻 83
參考文獻 References
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