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A Study on Stressors to Service-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Performance-oriented First-line Service Staff: Role of Breadth Efficiency as a Mediator and Proactive Personality as a Moderator
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first-line service staff, service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior, proactive personality, role breadth self-efficacy, challenge stressor, hindrance stressor
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First line service staffs are the the first-line intermediary between the enterprise and customers. For entreprise, the first line service staff plays an important role in supporting corporate brand image. However, when the service staffs are providing services, they will face different work stressors in the work environment, and the difference of work stressors will also affect the degree of their confidence about what they are responsible for and the willness of conducting in broader tasks and even impact the whole service process they provide.
Therefore, the purpose of the study will discuss the mediating effect of role breadth self-efficacy between stressors and service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior and the moderator of proactive personality between stressors and role of breadth efficiency of performance-oriented first line service staffs.
The study takes performance-oriented first-line service staffs as a research object and makes the questionnaire of managers and employees. The amounts of questionnaires are 300. And there are 2 waves questionnaire survey in the study. The total number of valid collection questionnaires was 212, and the totally effective recovery rate was 70.6%. The study will use the following statistical methods about CFA, reliability and validity analysis, descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and multi-regression analysis. The conclusions of the study are as follows:
1-a. The role breadth self-efficacy has a significantly mediating effect between challenge stressors and service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior.
1-b The role breadth self-efficacy has a significantly mediating effect between hindrance stressors and service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior.
2. The proactive personality has a significantly moderating effect between hindrance stressors and role breadth self-efficacy.
Based on the research results, the concrete conclusions and suggestions will provide for the further study as the references.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
Acknowledgements ii
Abstract (Chinese) iii
Abstract (English) iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Rrsearch purpose 5
2. Literature Review 7
2.1 Stressors 7
2.2 Role breadth self-efficacy 18
2.3 Service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior 23
2.4 Proactive personality 33
2.5 The relationships among variables 42
3. Research Method 53
3.1 Research objects and data collection 53
3.2 The operational definition of research constructs and measuring tools 60
3.3 Mesurement model 69
3.4 Data analysis method 72
4. Results 75
4.1 Correlation analysis 75
4.2 Direct effect analysis 80
4.3 The analysis of mediating effect 83
4.4 The analysis of moderating effect 86
4.5 Research hypotheses test results 90
5. Conclusions and Implications 91
5.1 Conclusions 91
5.2 Research implications 95
5.3 Research limitations and suggestions for the future study 96
References 99
Appendix 113
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