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博碩士論文 etd-0117120-121017 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0117120-121017
Discovering Cyber Threat Intelligence from Hacker Forums
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Word2vec, Cluster Analysis, NLP, Hacker Forum, CTI
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網路通訊技術進步為企業以及顧客提供更好的服務,但同樣的也會帶來全新的威脅。為了妥善處理這些不斷發展的網路威脅,從被動轉到主動的預防措施變的非常重要。有鑑於此,網路威脅情報(Cyber Threat Intelligence ,CTI)的技術成為近期資訊安全領域關注的重點,藉由蒐集網路威脅情報了解不同攻擊者用來發起活動的方法,並主動調整安全措施以檢測和阻止相關惡意活動。
本研究統整先前的研究方法,發覺機器學習方法對於從駭客論壇中找到相關威脅情報有一定的效能,為此開發半自動威脅情報擷取系統。該系統採用替關鍵字標籤、自然語言處理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)並且配合分群演算法(Clustering Analysis),在未給定明確標的的資料集中,自動替資料類型進行分群。本研究發現傳統分群演算法配合適當的字詞嵌入方法(Word Embedding),可以從駭客論壇中精簡出威脅情報。
With the advances in network communication technology, enormous cyber threats are emerging. To handle these evolving cyber threats properly, changing the precautionary measures from reactive to proactive is important. Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) technology has become the focus of attention in the field of information security in recent years. To detect and block malicious activity, collecting CTI can track the attack strategies used by different attackers and proactively adjust security measures.
CTI must come from a variety of sources, such as news and forums, to improve prevention. If one can capture first-hand CTI from huge data sources, attacks can be thwarted sooner. Therefore, retrieving cyber threat intelligence from hacker forums, where information is often exchanged between hackers, can immediately provide important information that may include hidden security-related information. Forum-type data sources are content-complex and contain enormous amounts of data, so manual analysis is often time-consuming and requires a lot of resources. Therefore, an effective (semi-)automatic threat intelligence retrieval system is necessary.
This research unifies previous research methods and finds that machine learning methods have certain effectiveness in finding relevant threat intelligence from hackers' forums. To this end, a semi-automatic threat intelligence retrieval system was developed. The system uses keyword tagging, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and clustering analysis to automatically group data types for unspecified data sets. We found that traditional clustering algorithms can also extract appropriate threat intelligence from articles in the hacker forum, as long as they are compatible with the appropriate embedding method.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 網路威脅情報 5
2.2 駭客論壇相關應用 6
2.3 自然語言處理 8
2.3.1 TFIDF 8
2.3.2 主題模型 9
2.3.3 詞向量 12
2.4 文字分群技術 16
2.4.1 階層式分群演算法 18
2.4.2 K-Means 19
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1 資料蒐集 22
3.2 關鍵字標記和清理模組 22
3.2.1 關鍵字標記子模組 23
3.2.2 資料清理子模組 27
3.3 字詞矩陣轉換模組 28
3.4 分析模組 29
3.4.1 主題擷取模組 30
3.4.2 事件擷取模組 31
第四章 系統評估 33
4.1 實驗一:資料清理以及關鍵字標記 37
 資料清理 37
 關鍵字標記 37
4.2 實驗二:分群演算法之參數評估及分群結果 38
實驗2-1、TFIDF + K-means 39
實驗2-2、Word2Vec(CBOW)+ K-means 41
實驗2-3、Word2Vec(Skip-Gram)+ K-means 44
實驗2-4、Doc2vec(PV-DM)+ K-means 47
實驗2-5、Doc2vec(DBOW)+ K-means 49
小結、各詞嵌入配合K-means之比較 50
實驗2-6、TFIDF + Hierarchical Cluster 52
實驗2-7、Word2Vec(CBOW)+ Hierarchical Cluster 54
實驗2-8、Word2Vec(Skip-Gram)+ Hierarchical Cluster 56
實驗2-9、Doc2vec(PV-DM)+ Hierarchical Cluster 58
實驗2-10、Doc2vec(DBOW)+ Hierarchical Cluster 60
小結、各詞嵌入配合Hierarchical Cluster之比較 61
實驗2-11、LDA 62
結論、各詞嵌入以及分群之比較 64
4.3 實驗三:事件擷取模組之分群參數調整以及群集篩選 65
第五章 研究限制與未來展望 68
參考文獻 70
附錄 一 74
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