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論文名稱 Title |
台灣兩稅合一制度變遷之研究-國家中心論觀點 An Analysis of the Evolution of Integrated Income Tax System in Taiwan:The Statist Perspective |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
89 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-12-25 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2020-02-09 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
技術官僚、兩稅合一、設算扣抵制、新多元論、國家自主性 technocratization, state autonomy, new pluralism, imputation method, integrated income tax system |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5892 次,被下載 72 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5892 times, has been downloaded 72 times. |
中文摘要 |
兩稅合一設算扣抵制之廢除為我國近年所得稅最重大的改革,當初實施的目的是促進投資、經濟成長等目標,但實施後效果不如預期,造成稅收損失擴大與貧富差距擴大的後果。我國雖於2015年將全數設算扣抵制改為半數設算扣抵制,但因為稅負過重造成國外優秀人才不易來台、資本市場投資動能不足,政府在這樣的情況下,為了與國際趨勢接軌,並強化我國國際競爭力,於2018年正式廢除兩稅合一設算扣抵制。在兩稅合一1998年實施至2018年廢除這20年間國家究竟是如何來形成稅制的改革,為本研究的重心。本研究採取了新多元論的研究途徑,以社會上僅少數具規模組織才會對國家政策產生影響力,及現代國家技術官僚專業化而擁有官僚自我利益的解釋,來形成國家與社會偏好二者交互影響以形成租稅政策的研究架構,進而探討台灣的國家自主性在這段期間的強弱變化。 經研究發現,在這段期間的修法稅制改革的重要時間點(兩稅合一之實施、全數設算扣抵制改為半數設算扣抵制、廢除兩稅合一),均具有相當程度的國家自主性。在第一階段我們觀察到兩稅合一之實施完全是從上而下的政策,這樣的成因可歸於前總統李登輝的自我偏好意志的展現;第二階段,國家基於彌補稅收損失的立場不受社會促進投資偏好的影響改革實施富人稅回饋稅制,惟實施不久後,即受到社會需求的修法壓力及國際趨勢的影響而再修法;第三階段的修法國家基於國際情勢的轉變及回應社會股利投資者稅負過重的需求,再加入國家偏向促進投資的自我偏好而廢除兩稅合一制。 |
Abstract |
The abolition of imputation of Integrated Income Tax System is the most important reform of Taiwan's income tax in recent years. The purpose of the initial implementation was to promote investment, economic growth and other goals. However, the outcome of enforcement was not as good as expected, resulting in the consequences of the enlarged tax losses and the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Taiwan changed the full imputation to half the imputation in 2015, due to the excessive tax burden, which is difficult to attract foreign talents to come to Taiwan and the stock market suffered from sufficient investment momentum. Under such circumstances, in order to be in line with international trends and strengthen Taiwan's competitiveness, the government officially abolished the imputation method of Integrated Income Tax System in 2018. How Taiwan reformed its tax system in the 20 years from the implementation of Integrated Income Tax System in 1998 to the abolition of 2018 is the main theme of this study. This research adopts the new pluralism approach, with the elaboration that only a few large-scale organizations in the society can have an influence on the country and that the expertise of technocrat in modern nations has self-bureaucratic interests to form the interaction between the state and social preferences. The research framework of the tax policy explores the changes in state autonomy during this period. Through research, it was found that important time points of the laws amendments regarding tax reform (the implementation of the integrated income tax system, the change from the full imputation to the half imputation, and the abolition of integrated income tax system) all have a considerable degree of autonomy. Based on the limitation of data in the first stage, we observed that the implementation of the integrated income tax system is a top-down policy, which is attributed to the self-preference of President Lee Teng-hui. In the second stage, the state based on the position of making up for tax losses is not affected by the society’s preference to promote investment. The reform and implementation of the wealth tax return system, but soon after implementation, it was affected by the pressure of the revision of social needs and the impact of international trends. In the third stage, the law amendment is based on the changes in the international circumstance and responded to the excessive tax burden of dividend investors in society, and then take into consideration of the state's preference for promoting investment to form a new policy to abolish integrated income tax system. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌謝 ii 中文摘要 iiii 英文摘要 iiv 目錄 vi 圖次 viiiiii 表次 iix 第一章:緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 文獻回顧 5 第三節 研究方法 10 第四節 研究範圍與限制 11 第五節 章節安排 12 第二章 國家理論 14 第一節 多元論之國家概念 14 第二節 新多元論之國家概念 16 第三節 國家中心論 17 第四節 研究框架 20 第三章 兩稅合一制全數設算扣抵制(1998-2014) 23 第一節 兩稅合一全數設算扣抵制之制度變遷 23 第二節 兩稅合一全數扣抵制國家自主性之檢視 35 第三節 小結 45 第四章 兩稅合一半數設算扣抵制至廢除(2015-2018) 46 第一節 半數設算扣抵制至廢除後之制度變遷 46 第二節 兩稅合一半數扣抵制至廢除後國家自主性之檢視 53 第三節 小結 69 第五章 結論 71 參考文獻 77 |
參考文獻 References |
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