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Title page for etd-0101121-144202
Developmental leadership:scale development, validation, and the role of development orientation
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development orientation, context, wei, Chinese developmental leadership, en
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Based on the theoretical framework of Chinese developmental leadership, this study develops a scale for this leadership style and verifies its construct validity. I find that Chinese developmental leadership is a two-factor second-order latent construct, and its two sub-dimensions (en and wei) are positively correlated to each other in specific contexts. This makes Chinese developmental leadership a more functional type of paternalistic leadership. Furthermore, data from 346 Chinese mainland employees reveals that Chinese developmental leadership indirectly relates to subordinate in-role and extra-role performance through subordinate perceived development orientation. These results demonstrate that culture play a critical role in how people interpret their leaders’ behaviors.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Theory and Hypotheses 6
2.1 Theoretical origins 6
2.2 The development of paternalistic leadership studies in Chinese society 9
2.3 Theoretical progress and model of Chinese developmental leadership 18
2.3.1 Development orientation 20
2.3.2 Contexts and display of authoritarianism and benevolence 23
2.4 The comparison between Chinese developmental leadership and Western leadership 26
2.4.1 Consideration and initiating structure 27
2.4.2 Directive leadership 28
2.4.3 Individualized consideration 29
2.4.4 Mentoring 29
2.4.5 Situational leadership 30
2.5 The relationship between Paternalistic leadership and Chinese developmental leadership 30
2.6 The relationship between en and wei 31
2.7 Effects of developmental leadership on subordinate’s psychological process and responses 32
Chapter 3 Study 1: Scale Development 37
3.1 Item generation 37
3.2 Sample and procedures 37
3.3 Measures 38
3.4 Results 40
Chapter 4 Study 2: CFA and Predictive validity 50
4.1 Sample and procedure 50
4.2 Measures 50
4.2.1 Chinese developmental leadership 50
4.2.2 Development orientation 50
4.2.3 Task performance 51
4.2.4 OCBI 51
4.2.5 OCBO 51
4.2.6 Control variables 51
4.3 Results 52
4.3.1 CFA and correlations 52
4.3.2 Model test 53
Chapter 5 Discussion 58
5.1 Theoretical implications 59
5.2 Practical implication 61
5.3 Limitations and Future Research 63
References 67
Appendix 80
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