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博碩士論文 etd-0024119-153854 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0024119-153854
The Relationship between Research Development Management and Innovative Performance in Taiwan High Tech Industry
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leadership style, tactical performance, adaptive performance, job engagement
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摘 要



In the modern society, research and development employees play an important role in organization, it represents the core competence of a company which makes them to win competitive advantage so that they are able to exist or maintain the leader position in such changeable business environment. However, many companies merely put their focus on profit-oriented department like marketing or financial department. This strategy causes the neglect of research and development territory and lack of managing R&D employees. Besides, previous studies showed that inappropriate research development management would lower employees’ job engagement and innovation performance. Furthermore, the execution of internal project will be tough and might not easy to finish the project to enhance the general performance of company.

In this study, we use interview to analyze the participants including 3 companies, 3 managers and 3 employees. The purpose of this research is to discuss the degree of how much organizations focus on research and development department. Furthermore, we will utilize leadership style as a tool to observe leaders whether they have equipped adequate leadership strategies to build a good work environment in order to make sure their employee have a better performance in their professional field. Furthermore, we would observe the changes of innovative performances including tactical and adaptive performance that the R&D employees would have correspond to the company climate their manager created, which means what kind of influence on innovative performance the employees would have under managers’ leadership styles in different cooperation. Meanwhile, we would assess employees’ job engagement in different companies. In addition, we would also put job engagement on analysis whether there is a positive relationship with innovative performance. Finally, we would provide some useful suggestions for managers to improve and point out several common and different points based on the result of interviews.
Key words: leadership style, tactical performance, adaptive performance, job engagement
目次 Table of Contents
Table of contents
論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of contents v
List of Figure vii
List of Table vii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Literature Review 3
2.1 Leadership style 3
2.2 Innovative performance 7
2.3 Job engagement 9
Chapter 3: Method 15
3.1 Research Method 15
3.2 Participants and procedure 16
Questions for managers 18
Questions for R&D employees 20
Chapter 4: Result 24
4.1 Data analysis 24
4.2 Suggestions for companies 32
Chapter 5: Conclusion 36
5.1 Conclusion 36
5.2 Suggestions for Future Research 36
Reference 38
Appendix 42
Survey format 42
Interview content 47
Company A (manager) 47
Company A (R&D employee) 50
Company B (manager) 52
Company B (R&D employee) 54
Company C (manager) 56
Company C (R&D employee) 59
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