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博碩士論文 etd-0022119-092847 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0022119-092847
Leaders’ development orientation: Scale development and validation
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The development orientation of leaders, Chinese leadership, Scales
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5853 times, has been downloaded 65 times.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the rapid growth of Asian economies coupled with the increasing popularity of global workplaces has led to increased attention being paid to the management philosophy and practice of Chinese leadership. The development orientation of the leader was found to be of vital importance. But currently, a good scale does not exist that can be used as an indicator to measure the development orientation of the leader. This study will use the deductive method to develop scales based on previous research results and examine whether such a scale structure is suitable for use in actual organizations.
To increase the diversity of Chinese leadership research and ensure the sample’s model fit, this study collected two different types of questionnaires from different sources, which included 212 pairs of supervisory and subordinate questionnaires, and 175 self-awareness questionnaires of leaders. The result shows good reliability, validity, and model fit, the verification results of leaders’ development orientation indicate that (1) The development orientation of leaders includes three main aspects: development as a duty, development as the first priority, and development as a long-term process. (2) Developing reliable and valid measurement instruments to measure the leaders’ development orientation. In the final part, the study addresses theoretical contribution, practical implications and the research gap that can provide follow-up leadership development.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審訂書 ⅰ
致謝 ⅱ
摘要 ⅳ
Abstract ⅴ
Table of contents ⅵ
List of Figures ⅶ
List of Tables ⅷ
1. Introduction 1
2. Theory and Hypotheses 4
2.1 Theory introduction 4
2.2 Hypotheses 8
3. Research Method 21
3.1 Participants 22
3.2 Procedure 25
3.3 Measurement 27
3.4 Data analysis 29
4. Results 38
4.1 Scale of leaders’ development orientation 39
4.2 Hypothesis testing 46
5. Discussion 51
5.1 Theoretical contribution 51
5.2 Practical implications 54
5.3 Limitations and future suggestion 55
Reference 57
AppendixⅠ Sample 1_questionnaire(English) 59
AppendixⅡ Sample 2_ questionnaire (English) 66
AppendixⅢ Sample 1& 2_ questionnaire (In Taiwan) 73
AppendixⅣ Sample 2_ questionnaire(In China) 87
參考文獻 References
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