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博碩士論文 etd-0021120-132043 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0021120-132043
正義戰爭理論邏輯上的省思:Carl Schmitt與Michael Walzer的對話
Reflections on the Logic of Just War Theory : Dialogue between Carl Schmitt and Michael Walzer
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Michael Walzer, Carl Schmitt, Just War, Religious war, Humanitarian Intervention
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5926 times, has been downloaded 283 times.
Based on the issue of humanitarian intervention, this thesis tried to analyze the logic of tradition just war theory. At first, this thesis tried to indicate that humanitarian intervention had similar logic with tradition just war theory. Both of them were military action with “just cause” (jus d bellum), which self-justified the use of force on the basis of specific value system. According to the “just cause”, we could find two completely different war theory, represented by Michael Walzer and Carl Schmitt. The former believed that it is necessary to launch military action with just cause, so that the military action can be effectively restrained. However, the latter hold opposite standpoint. Once resorting just cause to justify the military action, not only could not limit the war, but would make military action ignore the regulations of military means. Under this circumstances, military action would turn into the form of extreme brutal and dehumanizing. The purpose of this thesis was to analyze and compare Walzer and Schmitt’s war theory, and then we could find they had different interpretation in “just cause”. Besides that, the distinct interpretation of just cause would also reflect in “the definition of just war”, “how to limit the military action” and “the position of humanitarian intervention”. Hence, the two thinkers’ war theory were completely distinct. For the logic of tradition just war theory, we could have a conclusion by comparing Walzer and Schmitt’s war theory. That was once resort to just cause (jus ad bellum) (even if only a little), might transform military action into brutal forms.
目次 Table of Contents

第一章、緒論 1
第一節、前言:當代人道干預及其問題 1
第二節、施密特與瓦瑟爾的義戰理論 7
第三節、文獻回顧 9
第四節、章節安排 14

第二章、正義戰爭與人道干預 16
第一節、發動基督教義戰的正當理由 16
第二節、發動人道干預的正當理由 19

第三章、瓦瑟爾論正義戰爭 23
第一節、發動軍事行動的限制 24
(ㄧ)、發動軍事行動的條件 24
(二)、正當的軍事行動:自衛反擊、人道干預 29
(三)、賦予軍事行動正當性的道德原則 33
第二節、軍事行動手段上的限制:戰爭法 35

第四章、施密特論正義戰爭 43
第一節、古典戰爭概念(受節制的戰爭) 43
(ㄧ)、歐洲秩序的轉變與歐洲公法 43
(二)、政治性概念與受節制的戰爭 48
1、政治性概念 48
2、受節制的戰爭 52
第二節、歧視性戰爭 57
(ㄧ)、國際法概念的轉變 57
(二)、戰爭概念的轉變,轉向歧視性戰爭 59
1. 歧視性戰爭中的敵人概念 60
2. 歧視性戰爭的案例:以人類為名的戰爭 62

第五章、結論 65
第一節、瓦瑟爾的義戰理論(支持正當理由) 65
第二節、施密特的義戰理論(反對正當理由) 67
第三節、綜合性的結論 69

參考資料 72
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