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博碩士論文 etd-0626119-113652 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0626119-113652
越南白領階級的工作鑲嵌與離職傾向之研究: 彈性工作方式的有利態度之調節效果
A study of Vietnamese white-collar workers job embeddedness and turnover intention: The moderating effect of favorable attitudes to flexible work options
Year, semester
Number of pages
Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
job embeddedness, fit, sacrifice, links, turnover intention, favorable attitudes to flexible work options
本論文已被瀏覽 5818 次,被下載 161
The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5818 times, has been downloaded 161 times.
西方語境中。 因此,基於工作鑲嵌理論和資源保護(COR)理論,本研究旨在對往
的數據。 共有 139 份經過驗證的問卷用於分析。 採用 SPSS 中的回歸分析來測量直
接關係,同時利用 SPSS 過程測試調節效果。 研究結果顯示,組織匹配與犧牲,社
區匹配與犧牲被認為與離職傾向呈負相關。 此外,彈性工作方式的有利態度只能緩
Up to now, few empirical studies separately examined the influence of each subdimension of job embeddedness, especially in non-Western context. Thus, based on Job
embeddedness theory and the Conservation of resource (COR) theory, the present study aims
to explore the negative relationship between six sub-dimensions of job embeddedness and
turnover intention in Vietnam, a developing non-Western nation. In addition, this study also
examined the moderating effect of favorable attitudes to flexible work options between
organizational fit, links, sacrifice and turnover intention which has not been tested before.
This study utilized a quantitative method and an online self-completion questionnaire to
collect data from Vietnamese white-collar workers working in diverse industries. A total of
139 validated questionnaires were used for analysis. A regression analysis in SPSS was
conducted to measure the direct effects of the hypothesized relationships, while the
moderating effects was tested using SPSS process. The findings revealed that organizational
fit and sacrifice, community fit and sacrifice were found to be negatively related to turnover
intention. In addition, the favorable attitudes to flexible work options only moderated the
relationship between organizational sacrifice and turnover intention. Finally, the practical
implications for Vietnamese managers were also reported in this study
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter...................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................. ii
摘 要.................................................................................................................................iii
Abstract ............................................................................................................................ iv
Table of contents................................................................................................................ v
Table of figures................................................................................................................ vii
Table of tables ................................................................................................................ viii
Chapter 1: Introduction to the thesis............................................................................... 1
1.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Summary: Research Aims and Methods............................................................... 3
1.3. Thesis structure.................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2: Literature review........................................................................................... 8
2.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Job embeddedness................................................................................................ 8
2.3. Turnover intention ............................................................................................. 12
2.4. Favorable attitudes to flexible work options....................................................... 13
2.5. The relationship between each sub-dimension and turnover intention................. 15
2.5.1. Fit and turnover intention............................................................................ 17
2.5.2. Links and turnover intention ....................................................................... 19
2.5.3. Sacrifice and turnover intention .................................................................. 22
2.6. The moderating effect of favorable attitudes to flexible work options................. 24
Chapter 3: Methodology .............................................................................................. 27
3.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 27
3.2. Rationale for the Methodology .......................................................................... 27
3.3. Research Design and Data Collection................................................................. 28
3.3.1. Choice of method ....................................................................................... 28
3.3.2. Measures ................................................................................................... 29
3.3.3. Sampling ................................................................................................... 32
3.3.4. Conducting the survey ............................................................................... 34
3.3.5. Pilot test ..................................................................................................... 35
3.4. Data analysis ..................................................................................................... 36
3.5. Ethics ................................................................................................................ 36
Chapter 4: Results........................................................................................................ 38
4.1. Preliminary analyses.......................................................................................... 38
4.2. Common method variance ................................................................................. 42
4.3. Hypotheses testing ............................................................................................. 45
4.3.1. Causal relationships testing......................................................................... 45
4.3.2. Moderating effects testing........................................................................... 46
Chapter 5: Discussion .................................................................................................. 51
5.1. An overview of findings..................................................................................... 51
5.2. The issues of links dimension............................................................................. 53
5.3. The contribution to predict turnover intention of each dimension ....................... 55
5.4. The less essential role of community embeddedness. ......................................... 58
5.5. The moderating effect of favorable attitudes to flexible work options................. 59
Chapter 6: Conclusions................................................................................................ 62
6.1. Theoretical implications..................................................................................... 63
6.2. Practical Implications......................................................................................... 64
6.3. Limitations of this Research............................................................................... 66
6.4. Suggestions for Future Research ........................................................................ 67
References ....................................................................................................................... 70
Appendix I: ENGLISH QUESTIONNAIRE .................................................................... 80
Appendix II: VIETNAMESE QUESTIONNAIRE ........................................................... 88
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