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Title page for etd-0101119-163409
A Qualitative Study of Exploring Culture, Communication and Teamwork
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Date of Exam
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culture, cross cultural communication, teamwork, teamwork performance, qualitative study, thematic analysis
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This study explores the factor of how culture and communication affect teamwork by analysising through a practical based academic project. The participants involved in this particular project was multinational, randomly grouped and most importantly, work on a real life practical project for exisiting companies. The study applied the qualitative approach to explore from the participants’ perspectives. Data were collected from 11 participants of different nationality. Thematic analysis were applied to identify themes according to the research questions from the transcript data. Firstly, individual performance is related to teamwork even though some of the participants may not think this way. Second, muticultural teamworks are influenced by five essential factors: personality, communication, team’s working culture, leadership and cultural intelligence. Data interpretations as well as theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
Acknowledgement ii
中文摘要(Chinese Abstract) iii
English Abstract iv
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Research Aims and Methods 1
1.3 Thesis Structure 2
2.1 Culture 3
2.2 Communication 6
2.3 Culture & Communication 8
2.4 Teamwork 11
2.5 Research Questions 16
3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 Definitions 18
3.3 Reliability and Validity 19
3.4 Sampling 21
3.5 Saturation and Size 22
3.6 Interview Questions 23
3.7 Ethical Issues 25
4.1 Introduction 27
4.2 General Strategies 27
4.3 Basic Operation 29
4.4 Analytical Procedure 30
5.1 Introduction 35
5.2 Demographic Data 35
5.3 Result 37
5.4 Theoretical Discussion 50
6.1 Overall Conclusion 56
6.2 Limitation of this research 58
6.3 Practical Implications 59
6.4 Suggestions for future research 60
Reference 61
Appendix 1. Participants’ Information Collection Document 72
Appendix 2. Participants’ Informed Consent Form 73
Appendix 3. List of Code words: research question1 74
Appendix 4. List of Code words: research question 2 75
Appendix 5. An example of transcript and initial coding words 76
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