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博碩士論文 etd-1013119-195952 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1013119-195952
A Study on the Applying of Personalized Service Based on Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems:A Case Study of Restaurant Recommender System
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Task-oriented dialogue, Recommender System, Deep AutoEncoders, Personalization, Dialog State Tracking
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任務型對話系統在近幾年十分熱門,提供特定項目的服務,例如:預定餐廳、機票預訂。對話系統不斷有新框架或新方法來被提出,但卻鮮少有人注意完整性和模組的缺陷,又或是只專注對話中的細部元件,大量產出各種框架在數據指標間競賽,但卻忽略對話系統最終目的是要用於線上部屬,本文會探討現有對話系統的方法與適用情境,並使用現有框架Hybrid Code Networks(HCN)與語料資料集dialogue state tracking challenge 6(DSTC6)訓練來完成對話的進行,實踐完整的餐廳對話推薦系統並加入個人化與採用K-means分群演算法解決新使用者。
我們使用深層自編碼器(Deep AutoEncoders)方法來解決推薦所遇上的稀疏問題,為了驗證此方法,我們使用Yelp資料集,該資料有顧客對店家的評分,實驗結果顯示我們的方法優於先前的AutoEncoders,上個段落提到的模組缺陷,我們所使用HCN框架中存在一個對話狀態追蹤(Dialogue State Tracking)缺陷,我們會使用Neural Belief Tracker來解決,最終提出一個整合與改善的餐廳個人化推薦對話系統。
The task-based dialogue system is a popular issue in recent years, which provides services for specific task, such as booking restaurants and airline reservations. There are lots of new frameworks or new methods for dialogue systems; however, people pay little attention to the integrity and module defects. Instead, people only specialize in the detailed modules in the dialogue, and produce a large number of frameworks for the competition. In this regard, people tend to ignore the dialogue system's goal of deploying customer-facing dialog systems. We leverage the Hybrid Code Networks (HCN) framework trained on dialog state tracking challenge 6 (DSTC6). Furthermore, we implement restaurant recommender system with personalization and adopt K-means clustering algorithm to solve new user problem.
We use deep AutoEncoders to tackle with the problem of data sparse for recommender system. To validate the result, we use the Yelp dataset, which includes the customer's rating on the store. The result shows that our method outperforms AutoEncoders in term of benchmark indicators we adopted. And lastly, we use Neural Belief Tracker to solve the problem of dialog state tracking in HCN framework.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 對話系統分類 4
2.1.1 非任務導向(Non-Task-Oriented) 4
2.1.2 任務導向(Task-Oriented) 5
2.2 任務導向方法 6
2.2.1 流水線型(Pipeline) 7
2.2.2 端到端(End-to-End) 8
2.3 推薦系統方法 8
2.3.1 傳統推薦方法 8
2.3.2 深度學習(Deep Learning) 9
2.3.3 Autoencoders 9
2.4 語料種類 11
2.4.1 人人對話與人機對話(Human-Human Vs. Human-Machine) 11
2.4.2 人機對話語料 11
第三章 研究方法 12
3.1 系統架構 12
3.2 主要架構Hybrid Code Networks(HCN) 13
3.3 Deep Autoencoders(DAE) 14
3.4 個人化(Personalization) 17
3.5 Knowledge-based Recommender 20
3.6 Neural Belief Tracker 22
第四章 實驗結果與評估 24
4.1 資料集 24
4.1.1 Dialog State Tracking Challenge 6 (DSTC6) 24
4.1.2 Yelp資料集 28
4.1.3 Yelp資料集處理 28
4.2 HCN框架評估 29
4.3 DAE 模型測試 30
4.3.1 DAE 參數評估 31
4.3.2 DAE 方法評估 36
4.4 KnowBase Recommender評估 37
4.5 Personalization評估 38
4.6 Neural Belief Tracker評估 39
4.7 實驗結果 40
4.7.1 HCN與DAE 40
4.7.2 HCN與KnowBaseDAE 41
4.7.3 Personalization 42
4.7.4 Neural Belief Tracker 43
4.8 Summary 45
第五章 結論與未來研究 46
5.1 結論 46
5.2 未來研究 46
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