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博碩士論文 etd-0804118-121626 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0804118-121626
An Analysis of the Impact of Automation on Technological Unemployment
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Automation, Technological Unemployment, Technology, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Universal Basic Income
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The advent of automation has caused the disruption of the labor markets of many industries in the past and has the potential to continue to do so in only a greater extent in the future. Recent evidence indicates that ongoing technological advances are driving automation in numerous industries and will likely expand to others in the future. Automation-related technologies such as artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, and the Internet of Things are still relatively in their infancy and new developments are being made each day. Globally, tech giants such as Baidu and Google spent over $20 billion USD in 2016, with over 90% being spent on research and development (Bughin, 2017). But along with the ever-increasing rate of technological development and adoption, it is important to consider the distinct possibility that an enormous displacement of workers can suddenly occur on a global scale. Studies have shown that up to 47 percent of current employment is at risk for being automated (Frey and Osborne, 2013). This paper aims to apply descriptive research methods to analyze the significance of the current threat of automation in the United States. It will investigate past threats posed by automation taken in a historical context, recent and future developments in technology, and also any impacts on employment rates. Possible solutions for dealing with the threat of automation will also be reviewed, including corporate strategy as well as an examination of the feasibility of government education subsidies, alternative work arrangements, and universal basic income.
目次 Table of Contents
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv
摘要 v
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Gap 1
1.2 Importance of the Problem 1
2. Literature Review 3
2.1 The Concepts of Work, Technology, and Technological Unemployment 3
2.2 The Impact of Automation through History 5
2.3 Modern Developments in AI and Machine Learning 9
2.4 Basic Income, Government Subsidies, and Employment Programs 14
3. Theoretical Framework 18
3.1 Research Background 18
3.2 Methods of Research 18
4. Statistical Analysis and Industry Sentiment 20
4.1 United States Historical Patent Analysis 20
4.3 Industry Employment Data 23
4.5 Interview of Industry Employees 29
5. Summary of Findings 32
5.1 Results Summary 32
6. Discussion and Conclusion 34
6.1 Implications and Suggestions 34
6.2 Limitations and Areas for Future Research 36
References 38
Appendix 50
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